Transgender, Intersex & Queer people
in Melbourne's Jewish community.
Founded 1995.

2019 Federal Election
Aleph Melbourne Voters Guide
This guide is designed to assist voters living in Victorian voting districts with high Jewish populations* best select candidates who have comprehensively demonstrated or pledged support for LGBTIQ equality.
Issues presented here are taken from the Equality Australia's Rainbow Votes 2019 – party surveys. Levels of support for each candidate, where provided, are drawn from a survey conducted by Aleph Melbourne and the responses received by Equality Australia
Feedback, corrections and updates are invited via our contact page. Information is provided here in good faith and on the understanding that it is correct.
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* Determined from current ABS Census data
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Feedback, corrections and updates are invited via our contact page. Information is provided here in good faith and on the understanding that it is correct.