Aleph Melbourne hosts ultra-Orthodox Rabbi | AJN
'A STRONG ALLY TO LGBTIQ+ PEOPLE' Aleph Melbourne hosts ultra-Orthodox Rabbi He maintains his religious practices while simultaneously attending Pride Parades and protest rallies for queer rights and inclusion. By MIA GARDINERSeptember 12, 2022, 7:35 pm From left: Rabbi Mike Moskowitz and Michael Barnett. Photo: Gregory Storer. The Victorian Pride Centre…
In "Community"
Video: A conversation with Rabbi Mike Moskowitz
Aleph Melbourne and the Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council hosted a conversation with Rabbi Mike Moskowitz at the Victorian Pride Centre on Sunday August 14, 2022. AJN What's On column August 12 2022 Rabbi Mike Moskowitz is the Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah,…
In "Activism"
Pride in the Ultra Orthodox Community, With Rabbi Mike Moskowitz | The AUJS Pod
This episode is deeply moving and hopeful, as Rabbi Mike Moskowitz walks Tanna and Paris through the ins and outs of being a member of the LGBTQ+ community, whilst also being ultra orthodox.Initially, they briefly discuss Rabbi Moskowitz' personal journey to becoming the Scholar in Residence at the Beit Simchat…
In "Community"