Aleph Melbourne congratulates the City of Glen Eira for embracing same-sex attracted, intersex, and gender diverse (SSA/I/GD) people in its Positive Ageing Strategy 2015-2020 [PDF].
In July 2015 Aleph Melbourne responded to a call for feedback on the draft strategy, which at that time had no inclusive language on SSA/I/GD issues. Our submission, with valuable input from gerontologist Dr Jo Harrison, along with the endorsements of Jewish Care and the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, offered a number of recommendations to the strategy.
Aleph Melbourne convenor Michael Barnett also met in person with council staff to discuss these recommendations and how they would benefit those SSA/I/GD people living in the City of Glen Eira.
The professionalism and sensitivity of the staff at Glen Eira was exemplary and every step of the way was heartening.
In addition to the council approving the strategy on March 15 2016 they simultaneously released their Older Adults Guide to Glen Eira [PDF]. This is a beautiful resource packed with helpful information. It also contains a number of resources for SSA/I/GD people and a magnificent photo of a same-sex couple.
Thank you very much City of Glen Eira for providing support and giving a face to an historically neglected and previously invisible segment of your community. This step forward is most deeply appreciated and will hopefully go a long way to improving the quality of life of these people and their families.