Category: Health/Welfare
HIV/AIDS: Still a world threat three decades later | JPost
It Gets Better: Benjamin Cohen on being LGBT & Jewish and why ‘gay cures’ don’t work | YouTube
AJN Letters: Responses to Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz – March 30 2012
30 Mar 2012
The Australian Jewish News Melbourne edition
Letters to the editor should be no more than 250 words and may be edited for length and content. Only letters sent to will be considered for publication. Please supply an address and daytime phone number for verification.
Method not message is wrong on bullying
I FOUND the parallel that letter writer Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz (AJN 23/03) made between opposing the specific homophobia anti-bullying program being promoted by Safe Schools Victoria to “tacitly encouraging the vilification of others” (i.e. homosexuals) to be obscene in the extreme.
Even the biggest critics of this antibullying program were abundantly clear about their opposition to homophobic bullying.
It is the methodology of the specific program in question that has justifiably drawn criticism from some rabbis and concerned members of the community. Entering into a discussion about samesex marriage with kindergarten children, as this program would have us do, is plainly and simply inappropriate.
Moreover, Mr Meyerowit-Katz believes that those rabbis who are opposed to the implementation of this program are adhering to a “medieval idea of morality” and that should they persist in this mentality, they will “only continue to stand there scratching their heads as shul attendance continues to plummet”.
With the deepest of respect, falling shul attendance has nil to do with rabbinic attitudes to current issues and everything to do with the increasing secularisation of our community whereby communal prayer is no longer appealing.
Caulfield North, Vic
A morality tale for boosting attendance
WE should all be grateful to Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz (AJN 23/03).
He bemoans what he perceives to be the persecution of homosexuals, and then proceeds to offer us the panacea for declining synagogue attendances.
“In advocating that Jews adhere to a medieval idea of morality” he writes, “certain members of the Orthodox rabbinate are tragically out of step with the modern world. Should this mentality persist, they will only continue to stand there scratching their heads as shul attendances continue to plummet”.
So, to be clear, his message is that promoting and practising immorality is the way to get those “bums on seats” in our congregations?
By the way, I think he is also historically inaccurate in implying that homosexuality is a new phenomenon of this modern world that those rabbis are so “out of step” with. It was rampant in many civilisations such as ancient Greece and Sodom. So it is just as “medieval” a concept as morality. Go figure!
Caulfield North, Vic
AJN Letters: Homophobic bullying – March 23 2012
23 Mar 2012
The Australian Jewish News Melbourne edition
Letters to the editor should be no more than 250 words and may be edited for length and content. Only letters sent to will be considered for publication. Please supply an address and daytime phone number for verification.
Our duty to combat homophobic bullying
AS a member of a people who have fallen victim to a historical “norm” of persecution and ostracism, I find the argument against the program tackling homophobic bullying in schools extremely troubling.
It seems perverse to suggest that it should be the aspiration of our society to converge to the human condition, a condition that has seen the violent oppression of both homosexuals and Jews for millennia.
Now that Jews have finally been afforded a time and place where we are free from such persecution, why would some in our community be tacitly encouraging the vilification of others, some of whom fall within our community, based on their identity?
In advocating that Jews adhere to a medieval idea of morality, certain members of the Orthodox rabbinate are tragically out of step with the modern world.
Should this mentality persist, they will only continue to stand there scratching their heads as shul attendance continues to plummet.
Dover Heights, NSW
Israel’s Health Ministry debating change to blood donation rules for gay men | Haaretz
Student video outs lesbians | The Weekly Review Bayside
Student video outs lesbians
March 5, 2012, 1:48 a.m.
King David School students (L-R) Marco and Liat
A GROUP of gay students have officially come out to their peers and teachers in a video screening at the Jewish King David School’s Friday morning assembly.
The video shows three girls talking about their sexual orientation and encouraging others who are gay or bisexual to approach them for advice.
The girls are part of the Queer and Or Straight Alliance (QOSA) – a small student-based group at the school which holds meetings and runs events to help educate teenagers about the nature of sexual diversity.
Gayle Factor, a support teacher of QOSA, said the program fostered a comfortable environment for gay and bisexual students to come to terms with their sexuality. Lesbian student Liat said the group was the reason she felt comfortable coming out.
QOSA formed as a result of a broader, government funded and supported program to prevent homophobic bullying in schools.
Since the program’s launch at the end of 2010, 30 schools have become members of the Safer Schools Coalition Victoria.
King David is the only Jewish school to join.
Principal Michelle Bernshaw said she didn’t see the program from the perspective of Judaism but from that of an educator.
“It’s imperative that every child in the school feels supported and respected,” she said.
Friday’s video revelation comes a few weeks after a leading Australian Rabbi, Dr Shimon Cowen, criticised the SSCV’s program fearing that it may “normalise” homosexuality.
Some of QOSA’s members said they had felt alienated from Judaism when they first realised they were gay. But since learning more about its different denominations, they found there could be a healthy relationship between their religion and sexuality.
Another member and video maker, Marco, said you could be gay or bisexual and still be part of a religious community.
AJN Poll: Should there be specific anti-gay bullying programs in schools?
Note: the survey results have changed markedly since going to press, and at the time of publishing this article they are:
Tackling homophobia in the schoolyard | AJN
24 Feb 2012
The Australian Jewish News Sydney edition
Tackling homophobia in the schoolyard
In an article published in a journal of the Australian Family Association, Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen, founding director of The Institute for Judaism and Civilisation, expressed his concerns about programs to tackle homophobic bullying in schools. In the wake of the controversy, Rabbi Cowen explains his position, while Rabbi Fred Morgan, Rabbi Moshe Gutnick and Dr Jonathan Barnett share their opinions on the issue.