AJN Letters: Funding alert

Aleph Melbourne is committed to both the welfare of LGBTIQA+ people and combatting antisemitism in Melbourne’s Jewish Community.

On discovering J United’s decision to fund a campaign with money from Advance (“Jewish-led anti-Greens campaign launches“; AJN Jan 30 2025), the latter an organisation that strongly campaigns against transgender rights, Aleph Melbourne co-convenor Michael Barnett responded with a letter to the editor.

Funding alert

It alarms me that J United has resorted to taking money from conservative lobby group Advance, which has campaigned hard against LGBTIQA+, Indigenous and other progressive causes for many years. History has taught us that people who are intolerant of diversity tend to be intolerant of Jews too. When a Jewish organisation takes money and in-kind support from Advance, they are inadvertently harming other vulnerable minorities in the pursuit of eradicating antisemitism.

I can’t say whether Advance genuinely care about Jews and antisemitism, however I am confident their motivation is not rooted in benevolence. They are a hardline outfit that promotes division and intolerance. I call on the Jewish community to fundraise from reputable sources.

Michael Barnett
Ashwood, Vic

AJN Letters to the Editor; February 14 2025

Aleph Melbourne will continue to stand up for the rights, visibility and inclusion of all LGBTIQ+ people, both in the Jewish community and beyond it.

UPDATE: March 12 2025

Two responses to this letter were published in the Australian Jewish News (“Defending Advance” by Michael Burd; Feb 21 2025 and “Straightforward” by Dan Coleman; Feb 28 2025):

Just.Equal MR: Anti-Semitism envoy highlights need for LGBTIQA+ rights commissioner

Media Release
Wednesday July 10th 2024

Anti-Semitism envoy highlights need for LGBTIQA+ rights commissioner

Just.Equal Australia has renewed its call for a national LGBTIQA+ Commissioner following the appointment of Jillian Segal as Australia’s first anti-Semitism envoy.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the appointment of Segal is in response to rising hate, will “promote social cohesion” and will be followed by the appointment of an envoy against Islamophobia.

Just.Equal Australia spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,

“The appointment of envoys against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, highlights the absence of a national official advocating for the LGBTIQA+ community.”

“Rising hate against LGBTIQA+ people demands a response from the federal government in the form of an LGBTIQA+ Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission.”

“The Australian Human Rights Commission has commissioners for first nations, culturally diverse communities, women, older and younger people, people with disability, and for human rights, but no dedicated commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Australians.”

“This sends the message that the human rights of LGBTIQA+ people, and discrimination against us, are less important.”

Mr Croome said the Sex Discrimination Commissioner has an advisor on LGBTIQA+ human rights, but this is not enough to deal with the many challenges faced by LGBTIQA+ people or to send the message that their rights matter.

For a copy of this statement on the web, click here

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.

Aleph Melbourne submission referenced in ALRC final report of inquiry into Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws

In February 2023 Aleph Melbourne lodged a submission with the Australian Law Reform Commission’s enquiry into Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws.

The ALRC released the report into the enquiry in December 2023, and on March 21 2024 the report was tabled in Parliament.

Aleph Melbourne’s submission was referenced on page 91 in the report, in relation to Section 4.23 point 2:

 4.23 In relation to submissions made to the ALRC in this Inquiry, key reasons underpinning stakeholder support for Proposition A.1 were:

  •  coherence with international and domestic law;14
  •  reducing the risk of harm to vulnerable students;15
  •  supporting inclusion and diversity;16 and
  •  compulsory school education is a public good, supported by public funding, so schools should be safe environments for all students, and should be accountable to community expectations.17

Josh Burns MP – Constituency Statement: Dr David Zyngier


Federation Chamber
Zyngier, Dr David

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Mr BURNS (Macnamara) (09:33): I rise with sadness to acknowledge the passing of Dr David Zyngier this past weekend. David was a sitting councillor in the city of Glen Eira and a passionate advocate for social justice, education and our community. David’s passing came as a great shock to all of us. David was the son of Holocaust survivors from Poland, and he was the first in his family to complete high school and attend university. He graduated from Monash University, where he later returned as an academic and as an educator.

David was a well-respected member of our Jewish community. We didn’t always agree on things—in fact, we often didn’t agree on things—but I respected his intellect and his willingness to tackle difficult issues. He was a leader in the youth movement Hashomer Hatzair, a principal of the King David School, an active member of his synagogue, a member of the Jewish Climate Network and a fierce advocate for LGBTIQ+ rights in our community. He was elected as the councillor for Camden Ward in the city of Glen Eira just a few years ago, and he quickly became a passionate advocate for climate action and public services on the council. He co-founded the Glen Eira Emergency Climate Action Network and helped to develop the council’s target of achieving net zero council emissions by 2025.

David and I belonged to different political parties. Indeed, not only did he not vote for me but he actively campaigned against me at the last election. He was a proud member of the Greens. But, before he drifted into that journey, David actually launched my campaign, in 2014, when I was a candidate in the state election. He was a friend. I think he probably had sympathy for both our parties, but in the end he made the decision, he stuck with it and he was proud of that association.

David was respectful, kind and compassionate. He was an active member of our community and he always sought to represent people in the best way he knew how. He came into my office frequently. He would sit down and, as we had a cup of tea, he would try and convince me of what actions needed to happen, usually on a council matter. He would push for things like greater bike paths, greater active citizenship and, obviously, climate action as well. He joined our campaign in the referendum and was a big part of the Macnamara for Yes campaign, even though he was unwell at the time.

Throughout his life he committed himself to research, to education, to activism and to community life. He was a good man, he was a smart man, he was a community man and he enriched our community by all of his efforts. To his wife, Suzanne, and his children, Romy, Talia and Joel, I send my deepest condolences. I also send my condolences to the Greens and the broader Greens community. As we say in the Jewish tradition, may his memory be a blessing.



Reflecting on history and looking to the future

I was recently approached by Hashy to deliver a talk at their 2023 Queer Night, having done so at their 2022 event.  I was delighted to be invited back, and warmly accepted the offer.

I asked the date and was told it would be Sunday October 15.  That’s going to be a big day for the country, being the day after the referendum.  I had to come up with a topic for my talk and after a few minutes I realised I had lived through a moment in history that perfectly connected my journey with Aleph with where we are today with the Voice referendum, and that would inform my talk.

Let me explain.

In 1998 Aleph Melbourne approached the Jewish Community Council of Victoria about applying to become an affiliate of the council.  The rationale for wanting to join the council was to be a voice for gay and bisexual men (as that was who we supported at the time, prior to us representing LGBTIQ+ people in 2007).  We wanted to have a place at the table, to talk about how we were discriminated against, faced unique health issues, suicide, stigma, taboo, etc.  We felt that if we had a voice at the council people might understand our issues better, and be more open to helping us defeat the hurdles and setbacks that challenged us.

Our application was supported by their executive and the then-president Philip Bliss.  We were also forewarned the journey might be difficult.  Our committee resolved to proceed with the application, which set in motion a chain of events that led to one of the biggest controversies the Melbourne Jewish community has ever experienced.  Once the news of our application hit the Jewish media there was constant media coverage, with many in the community – notably schools and youth groups – showing support, and (not so) many claiming a homosexual group in the Jewish council would divide the community and cause irreparable harm.  Orthodox Rabbis and conservative community stalwarts spoke stridently about how we had an agenda, and how halacha (Jewish law) considered homosexuality a sin, and Aleph was an organisation that was not deserving of a seat at the community table.

At one stage a collection of mainstream organisations threatened to withdraw their membership if Aleph became a member.  And then Rabbi Lubofsky stood up at the fateful meeting in May 1999 and wove a hurtful story of how Aleph wanted to go into schools (yes, we wanted to give educational books to school libraries), and how parents should fear our agenda.  We were apparently going to split the community, infiltrate schools, run rampant through the community and wreak harm at every step of the way.  I do remember in particular a young Gabi Crafti spoke up and eloquently spoke in favour of Aleph’s membership application.  She was the voice of reason, the voice of humanity, and the voice of a generation who understood why it was important for gay and bisexual men to be included, not excluded.

We failed in our opportunity to become a member of the council in 1999 at a vote of the plenum, but not by much.  In 2015 the now-defunct Keshet LGBT group did become a JCCV member, a sign of how times had changed.  In 2017 the JCCV affiliates voted unanimously to support the civil marriage equality campaign.  Being queer in 2017 was no longer the problem for the mainstream Jewish community that it was in 1999. 

In May 2020 Aleph, together with 21 other Jewish organisations, co-signed a statement “Voice, Treaty, Truth – Jewish organisations reaffirm support for First Nations Australians from the heart”.  Part of the statement, at the link prior, reads:

We reaffirm our full-hearted support for:
– amendment of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act to enshrine a First Nations Voice in the Constitution;

Aleph represents people who face discrimination, marginalisation and health challenges.  Our people also have a lot to offer society.  And on that basis we stand up alongside other communities who face similar challenges, have similar ideals and aspirations, and who want to live their lives to the fullest.  We all want gaps closed, disadvantages turned around, and lives celebrated.

To that end, with our history in mind, and having committed in 2020 to supporting a First Nations Voice, we stand strong in believing that a constituted voice will do more good than bad for first nations Australians.  The Voice is simply an advisory committee to the Parliament and the Executive Government, and amounts to a place at the table.

If you’re voting in the referendum, I urge you to take time to find out the facts and make an informed decision.  I certainly won’t tell anyone how to vote, but I know in my heart, having come on this journey, that it makes for an easier time if you have a voice at the table than if you don’t.


Saturday 25th March 2023: Michael Barnett, LGBTIQ+ OAM recipient, Aleph Melbourne | JOY – Saturday Magazine

Macca and Dave are joined live in the studio by Michael Barnett, co-convenor of the Victoria-based LGBTIQ+ Jewish advocacy group Aleph Melbourne, as they discuss his recent Order of Australia Medal.

Macca and Dave are joined live in the studio by Michael Barnett, co-convenor of the Victoria-based LGBTIQ+ Jewish advocacy group Aleph Melbourne, as they discuss his recent Order of Australia Medal.

David Southwick MP: Statement on disturbing events on the steps of Parliament House – 18 March 2023

Aleph Melbourne is pleased to receive the following statement from David Southwick MP, Member for Caulfield and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party.


The past fortnight has been a difficult time for Victoria’s LGBTQIA+ and Jewish communities. 

The shocking events we’ve seen outside Parliament House, where neo-Nazis displayed open hate and vilification towards our Transgender community, do not reflect who we are as a State. 

I want to reiterate my support and alliance with the entire LGBTQIA+ community. 

Throughout my parliamentary career, I have fostered deep connections with LQBTQIA+ community and have a genuine appreciation for all they do to make our state a better place. Together, we have campaigned to legalise same-sex marriage, ban gay conversion therapy, and stood shoulder to shoulder at pride events. 

Victoria is a place where everyone should be free to be their authentic self, regardless religion, race, gender, sexual preference and identity. 

My party will work with the government to ensure Victoria Police have the powers, resources and training to stamp out these shocking acts of hate. 

As Deputy Opposition Leader and Member for Caulfield, I will continue to call out discrimination wherever I see it and work to make Victoria a more tolerant and inclusive place. 



MR: Fusion Party candidate Owen Miller and Aleph Melbourne support Elimination of Discrimination

Fusion Party candidate Owen Miller and Aleph Melbourne support Elimination of Discrimination

By Andrea Leong | 29 March 2023

The Fusion Party candidate for Aston, Owen Miller, today issued the following statement:

“I’m proud to support the Victorian Jewish community. Jews have consistently been at the forefront of a number of important causes including humane treatment of asylum seekers, equal rights for LGBTIQA+ people, climate action and constitutional recognition of First Nations peoples.”

Mr Miller continued:

“Together we’ve won some of those causes, but there is more work to do. I hope I can continue working alongside the Victorian Jewish community to do it, particularly in progressing equal rights for my own LGBTIQA+ community.”

  • If elected to parliament, Owen will advocate for:
  • A 10-year transition to negative emissions
  • Establishing a First Nations Voice and Treaty
  • Measures to reduce discrimination using rehabilitative justice
  • Age-appropriate education on sex, gender and healthy relationships
  • Ending all remaining discrimination related to domestic partnerships on the basis of gender or sexual identity
    Separation of church and state for the protection of all religions, as well as protection from religion

Jewish LGBTIQA+ advocacy body Aleph Melbourne has called on Victorians to support a number of these measures. Aleph co-convenor Michael Barnett OAM had the following to say:

“Aleph Melbourne supports the elimination of all discrimination impacting LGBTIQA+ people.

We believe more education is required to address misconceptions about gender identity, sexual orientation and related topics. Sadly many people in society form harmful views around these issues which ultimately impact the self-esteem and mental health of young people.

Whilst Aleph Melbourne opposes discrimination on the basis of religion we are opposed to religious values discriminating against people on the grounds of innate characteristics.

Aleph Melbourne supports all candidates who stand up for the rights of LGBTIQA+ people. We stand behind Owen Miller, as candidate with a Queer identity, who upholds the same values we stand for.”

Anyone wishing to support Owen Miller this election can sign up to donate or volunteer.


Owen Miller
Fusion Party candidate for Aston
Mobile on request

Michael Barnett OAM
Co-convenor, Aleph Melbourne
Mobile on request

Andrea Leong
National Secretary, Fusion Party
Mobile 0490134827

Press Kit


See More

Owen Miller – candidate for Aston (VIC)



See also
PRESS RELEASE: Fusion Party candidate Owen Miller and Aleph Melbourne support Elimination of Discrimination

JCCV advocates for safety of all Victorians following attack on transgender people

The JCCV has been advocating for the safety of all Victorians, including our Jewish community. We know that on this occasion, the target of hateful conduct was transgender people. That is why the JCCV is campaigning for a broader discussion about vilification of all minorities.


JCCV Media Statement


“The actions of Nazi thugs over the weekend has shocked the entire Victorian community, not just Jews. We are pleased to see the Victorian Government move to ban the Nazi salute, most likely with bipartisan support. It is an odious symbol of hate.

It should not be lost in the debate that, on this occasion, the proximate target of this hateful conduct was transgender people.

“The JCCV thinks that there needs to be a broader discussion about vilification of all minorities, and criminalisation of such behaviour. We look forward to participating in that discussion with Government in the near future.”
