In Groundbreaking Decision, Rabbinic Court Equates Lesbian and Heterosexual Relations | JewishPress

In Groundbreaking Decision, Rabbinic Court Equates Lesbian and Heterosexual Relations | JewishPress.

AJN Letters: Michael Barnett clarifies comment in Masorti article – June 15 2012

15 June 2012
The Australian Jewish News Melbourne edition

Letters to the editor should be no more than 250 words and may be edited for length and content. Only letters sent to will be considered for publication. Please supply an address and daytime phone number for verification.

Setting the record straight

I WOULD like to note that in the article on Australian Masorti support for same-sex marriage (AJN 08/06), my reference to commitment ceremonies for heterosexual couples was printed out of context.

It was submitted to the paper by way of comparison, in relation to Progressive Judaism in Australia currently offering same-sex Jewish couples a commitment ceremony, but denying this option to those heterosexual couples who would like religious recognition of their relationship but who do not want to get married.

Ashwood, Vic