Rainbow Report on Acceptance – Vilification in the Jewish Community

Tune in to JOY 94.9 in Melbourne or via live streaming on www.joy.org.au between midday and 1pm (UTC/GMT+10) on Friday August 5 2011 to hear Doug Pollard interview JCCV President John Searle.  Details below.


“Within religious communities I think it’s fair to say that we are for the most part in the early stages of that journey, except for a few enlightened souls like, for example, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. And the Jewish community here in Victoria is no exception. The President of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, John Searle, joins us to talk about the latest steps toward acceptance his organisation is taking, with an inquiry into vilification, discrimination and mental health in the LGBTI Jewish community” (Call for Submissions)

JCCV calls for submissions on issues affecting GLBT people in Jewish community

The following advertisement appeared on page 4 of the Melbourne edition of the Australian Jewish News on Friday July 29 2011.

JCCV "GLBT Issues" Call for Submissions July 29 2011


The Jewish Community Council of Victoria established a GLBT (Gay,  Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender) Reference group to investigate issues surrounding vilification, discrimination and mental health concerns faced by members of Victoria’s Jewish GLBT community.

These are serious issues and to assist the JCCV in formulating its views it is now calling for relevant submissions.

It is expected that members of Victoria’s Jewish GLBT community will predominantly provide submissions.  However, submissions from other community members are welcome.  Submissions may detail relevant experiences, positive or negative in relation to matters of discrimination, vilification and/or mental health issues within the Jewish community or may raise other points of relevance.

We are particularly concerned about the impact which these issues may have upon suicide rates and submissions concerning this aspect are also sought.

Submissions may be particularised to address the following issues:

  • your personal experience of instances of vilification
  • your personal experience of episodes of discrimination
  • any impact that GLBT issues have had upon your mental health

Submissions will be received on an entirely confidential basis but will only be considered if they are accompanied by the author’s name and contact details.

Submissions should be sent to:

The President
306 Hawthorn Road
South Caulfield Victoria 3162

or alternatively via email to president@jccv.org.au

Submissions must be received by close of business on 31 August 2011.

Help is always available from the following:

Lifeline – 131 114
Gay & Lesbian Switchboard – 1800 184 527 / (03) 9663 2939
Jewish Care – 8517 5999 (business hours)

When It Comes to Gay Rights and Klezmer, the Musical Is Also Political – The Arty Semite – Forward.com

When It Comes to Gay Rights and Klezmer, the Musical Is Also Political – The Arty Semite – Forward.com.

4,000 march for gay rights in the capital | JPost

4,000 march for gay rights in the capital | JPost.

Jerusalem: Police stop donkey convoy en route to gay parade | JPost

Jerusalem: Police stop donkey convoy en route to gay parade | JPost.

Aleph Melbourne denied JCCV membership on May 10 1999

These are the minutes from the JCCV Plenum Meeting at Beth Weizmann on May 10 1999 at which Aleph Melbourne’s membership application was rejected.
