Australian Jewish News (Melbourne edition)
March 8 2013, page 12
Letters to the Editor: letters@jewishnews.net.au
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QOSA video:
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex & Queer people in Melbourne's Jewish community. Founded 1995.
Letters to the Editor: letters@jewishnews.net.au
(250 words max and include not-for-publication contact details)
QOSA video:
Interesting to note that it’s the three Orthodox schools who refuse to sign on to the SSCV. This is telling. Their justifications are unconvincing. It’s essentially “we know what we’re doing and we’ll deal with it internally – we don’t need to involve an expert government agency, which has been established precisely for the purpose of providing support and guidance”.
I’d be interested to know if, for example, Yavneh has received any anonymous reports regarding this specific issue. All three diplomatically managed to craft their responses so as to ignore the elephant in the room; that Orthodox Judaism and homosexuality are incompatible (although some would argue that this may be somewhat inaccurate – but this is certainly the case in the ultra-Orthodox community i.e. Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah).
Well done to the schools that have signed on.