News articles

Orthodox Rabbis Confuse Themselves with Evangelical Christians | Galus Australis

Orthodox Rabbis Confuse Themselves with Evangelical Christians | Galus Australis.

Redefinition will damage marriage | The Australian

Redefinition will damage marriage

THE Organisation of Rabbis of Australasia opposes any legislation to legitimise same-sex marriage. This is not intended to show any discrimination against the gay community, but simply to uphold the sanctity and purpose of marriage, which is the union of man and woman not only to express their love for one another but also to bring future generations into the world.

The institution of marriage and family life, as defined and practised for thousands of years as between a man and a woman, a father and a mother, respectively, is far too important and essential to the bedrock of society and civilisation as we know it to be undermined by those who presume to redefine its essence. Moreover, we are deeply concerned that, should any such redefinition occur, members of traditional communities like ours will incur moral opprobrium and may risk legal sanction if they refuse to transgress their beliefs.

That prospect is unacceptable to all people of good will on both sides of this debate. We call upon Australians to stand opposed to any attempt, whether judicial, legislative or religious in nature, to bestow the sanctity of marriage upon same-sex couples.

Rabbi Dovid Freilich is president of the Organisation of Rabbis of Australasia.

No Holds Barred: ‘Jobs’ description for next UK chief rabbi | JPost

Gay Jewish men and women must be welcome in synagogues and told that amid their lifestyle there are 611 of God’s commandments left to keep.

No Holds Barred: ‘Jobs’ description for next UK chief rabbi | JPost.

Ilan Kidron supports Marriage Equality

Lead singer of The Potbelleez, Ilan Kidron, has declared his support for marriage equality: “I believe that everybody should be able to make the same decisions about marriage. As long as same-sex couples are denied the right of marriage, their relationships will be considered second-rate and they and their families will be pushed aside. Not so long ago, the union of rich and poor, black and white, was outlawed. So why, when our society has come so far, do we still not let love be love? The Government must do the right thing and allow all Australian couples to enjoy equal opportunities under Federal law. We are a so-called free country. People are people. Love is love.”

Ilan Kidron
Ilan Kidron, lead singer of Potbelleez

Roy Freeman, founder of J4ME (the Jewish Community supporting Marriage Equality), welcomed Ilan’s support. “It’s great to see high-profile members of the Jewish community showing their support for marriage equality. Many people only hear the one-sided views of a small number of Orthodox Rabbis who continue to deride homosexuality. Thankfully those Rabbis are a small (but vocal) minority. The majority of our community supports civil rights, including marriage equality for same-sex couples.”

Progressives to embrace far-flung Jewish Victorians | AJN


2 Dec 2011
The Australian Jewish News Melbourne edition

Progressives to embrace far-flung Jewish Victorians

PJV will extend a hand to the GLBT community.

VICTORIA’S Progressive Jews will further broaden their scope to welcome those who feel detached from the Jewish community.

At the annual meeting of Progressive Judaism Victoria (PJV) on Monday, president Philip Bliss outlined a threepoint outreach program to be rolled out in the next year.

An outreach committee is being formed to extend a Progressive Jewish voice to fringe areas of Melbourne and to regional Victoria, with plans to raise awareness of PJV in Melbourne’s outer suburbs and in the Geelong area, as well as enhancing Kehillat Sdot Zahav, the nascent central Victorian Goldfields congregation.

PJV will also extend a hand to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and will run educational workshops for rabbis and volunteers on the most effective ways to build bridges with it.

PJV will establish a presence on Victorian university campuses to provide an alternative Jewish resource to Chabad.

Reflecting on PJV’S first year of operation since it was reconstituted from the old Victorian Union for Progressive Judaism, Dr Bliss stated: “Next year will be most exciting in terms of getting on with our projects.”

At its annual meeting, at the King David School, the Progressive roof body welcomed Lior Argaman, the new PJV shlicha who arrived from Israel with husband Didi and son Adam. Argaman was previously based in Jerusalem where she directed the shnat program of Netzer Olami, the international Progressive youth movement for three years.

Special guest was recently retired Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) president John Searle, who is the new chair of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC).

He outlined the highlights of his JCCV presidency, emphasising his aim of “bringing in Jews who are outside the tent”, and spoke about the JCCV’S work with Jews formerly from India.

Developing guidelines for constructive interfaith relations, and combating racism and anti-semitism, specifically the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement, were also priorities of his JCCV presidency, he said.

During that time he forged new links with police, the Victorian Multicultural Commission, state ministers, and VEOHRC.

Searle said one of his aims as VEOHRC chair will be to find increased communal support for refugee children.

Keshet fundraiser Midsumma event: Mother/SON

Progressive Judaism Victoria invite you to their Keshet fund-raiser evening on January 18 2012 during the Midsumma festival.  Half of the proceeds of this evening go toward the Keshet program, to benefit GLBT people in Victoria.

See the flyer below for details or check out the event on Facebook.  More details of the event on the Midsumma and Theatre Works sites.  Note, you must book directly via PJV if you want to assist the Keshet fund-raiser.

Mother Son Flier