Response to “Statement by Abrahamic Faith Leaders of Canberra”

Aleph Melbourne – Media Release
October 21 2013

Response to Statement by Abrahamic Faith Leaders of Canberra

Aleph Melbourne expresses extreme disappointment with those religious leaders in the Jewish community who continue to object to proposed changes to instruments of civil law that do not impact their ability to observe their religion or undertake their religious beliefs and obligations.

Aleph Melbourne co-convenor Michael Barnett called on clerics who wish to restrict the civil liberties of wider society to reflect on their own civil liberties and their ability to observe their faith without interference from government.  Barnett said: “These meddlesome rabbis sing a very different tune when the focus turns to matters of ritual circumcision or kosher slaughtering of animals and do not tolerate any government interference.  Yet they wish to interfere in matters of civil marriage, an area that does not impact them, and demand respect in doing so.”

Barnett added: “Similarly, these particular rabbis should respect the freedoms of other members of society to live their lives as they wish and recognise their personal relationships under civil law.  No rabbi will ever be forced to perform a marriage they object to and accordingly, they have no rational or valid grounds for concern or precedent to call on.”

Aleph Melbourne calls on Rabbi Shmuel Feldman to distance himself from this and any other campaign that aims to impinge on the civil liberties of all citizens who wish to avail themselves of a marriage license under the proposed ACT legislation.

Michael Barnett.
Co-convenor, Aleph Melbourne.

The following statement was published through the Australian Christian Lobby on October 21, 2013.

Statement by Abrahamic Faith Leaders of Canberra

Below is a copy of a statement of faith by Seven faith leaders here in Canberra that was released today ahead of the ACT Marriage Equality Bill that is expected to be debated tomorrow.

Statement by Abrahamic Faith Leaders of Canberra
21 October 2013

Seventy percent of Australians identify with an Abrahamic religion – Christianity, Islam and Judaism. As leaders of several of these faith traditions, we have gathered to share our concerns about the ACT Government’s proposed same sex marriage legislation. We are concerned for the long-term risks of such a Bill for our society.
While affirming the inherent dignity of all human beings, our faith traditions also affirm the traditional concept of marriage between a man and a woman as being for the good of the individual, the family and society.
We invite the wider community to join with us in calling for the Bill to be subject to community consultation through the normal Legislative Assembly Committee process.

Imam Adama Konda, Canberra Islamic Centre
Arnold Cummins, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Pastor Sean Stanton, Australian Christian Churches, Canberra
Bishop Trevor Edwards, Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
Pastor BJ Hayes, Canberra National Adventist Church
Monsignor John Woods, Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
Rabbi Shmuel Feldman, Rabbi for Canberra and Region.

Voters Guide to Marriage Equality in Jewish Melbourne

This guide is aimed to assist voters living in the main Jewish neighbourhoods in Melbourne best select candidates who have comprehensively demonstrated or pledged their full support for marriage equality.

Levels of support for “same-sex marriage” listed for each electorate in this guide are taken from the “News Ltd 2010 Same-Sex Marriage Poll”.  The raw data is available in the resources section below.

Incumbent candidates are listed in capital letters.

Feedback, corrections and updates are invited via the form below.  Information is provided here in good faith and on the understanding that it is correct.

This page is optimised for viewing on a full-screen browser.

Candidates & Electorates


Support for “same-sex marriage” in electorate:

  • For: 57%
  • Against: 27%
  • Don’t Care: 17%

Candidates who fully support marriage equality and are allowed by their party to vote for it:

Candidates who support marriage equality but are prevented by their party from voting for it:

Candidates who oppose marriage equality:


Support for “same-sex marriage” in electorate:

  • For: 50%
  • Against: 28%
  • Don’t Care: 22%

Candidates who fully support marriage equality and are allowed by their party to vote for it:

Candidates who oppose marriage equality:

Melbourne Ports

Support for “same-sex marriage” in electorate:

  • For: 61%
  • Against: 20%
  • Don’t Care: 19%

Candidates who support marriage equality and are allowed by their party to vote for it:

Candidates who support marriage equality but are prevented by their party from voting for it:

Candidates who oppose marriage equality:


Support for “same-sex marriage” in electorate:

  • For: 44%
  • Against: 32%
  • Don’t Care: 24%

Candidates who fully support marriage equality and are allowed by their party to vote for it:

Candidates who oppose marriage equality:


Support for “same-sex marriage” in electorate:

  • For: 54%
  • Against: 29%
  • Don’t Care: 18%

Candidates who fully support marriage equality and are allowed by their party to vote for it:

Candidates who oppose marriage equality:

✡ Candidate has declared a Jewish identity
Candidate has declared a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender or Intersex identity


Parties that support marriage equality in their policy platform and require their candidates to vote accordingly:

Parties that support marriage equality in their policy platform but allow their candidates to vote on their conscience:

Parties that don’t currently have a position on marriage equality but allow their candidates to vote on their conscience:

Parties that oppose marriage equality in their policy platform and require their candidates to vote accordingly:

Independent candidates may vote for or against marriage equality as they choose.


Gay Ketubah Offerings Let Same-Sex Couples Enjoy Jewish Marriage Tradition | Huffington Post

Gay Ketubah Offerings Let Same-Sex Couples Enjoy Jewish Marriage Tradition | Huffington Post.

Why Intermarriage Poses Threat to Jewish Life — But Gay Marriage Doesn’t |

Why Intermarriage Poses Threat to Jewish Life — But Gay Marriage Doesn’t |

Madrid Chief Rabbi Calls Gays ‘Deviants’ |

Madrid Chief Rabbi Calls Gays ‘Deviants’ |

Danby defends silence on gay marriage | Star Observer

Danby defends silence on gay marriage | Star Observer.

By on July 31, 2013

Michael Danby

Federal Labor MP for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby has justified his decision to abstain from last September’s marriage equality vote and subsequent refusal for more than six months to reiterate his support for the issue as “political gravitas or timing”.

Danby did not vote at all when Labor’s marriage equality bill was put to the House of Representatives last year despite indicating his support for equality before the 2010 election, angering many in the LGBTI community. Following the vote he was silent about his reasons until later this year, ignoring numerous requests for comment by the Star Observer.

Danby broke his silence and clarified the issue publicly in an interview on LGBTI radio station JOY 94.9 on May 25. He stated he would support any future marriage equality bills and justified his abstention under the conscience vote granted Labor members, saying that “my assessment was it wasn’t going to get through”.

The MP has now gone into detail with the Star Observer about his refusal to comment on the abstention for the first time, justifying his actions in terms of the current political climate.

“It’s the worst political crisis and ugliest Parliament I’ve ever been in, and there are lots of issues that people are involved in…the leadership in particular, and they took priority over some other issues. I can’t apologise for it because that’s just what happened,” Danby said, explaining Labor’s internal leadership struggles prevented him from engaging with the LGBTI community.

“It’s not that I didn’t have time, I prioritised what I thought was important. Survival of the government was — it was obvious at any minute that we could go under, and I was concentrating on stability inside the government and on other issues, which didn’t give this the priority that people in the LGBTI community wanted.”

A month prior to his interview on JOY 94.9 Danby sent a letter to a constituent named Tony Pitman explaining he abstained on the basis of “fairness,” not political manoeuvring.

In the letter dated April 11 he wrote that “I abstained from the vote on that bill because I did not think it fair that half the Parliament — the Labor Party — had a free vote, while the other half — the Coalition parties — were ordered by their Leader Mr Abbott to vote against the bill”.

Danby told the Star Observer his decision was primarily about politics.

“You can call it political expediency, I call it political gravitas or timing. You can have people who make their views — it just has to be done now or whatever — as clear as they like…it’s the MPs who understand how Parliament works who are the best judge of that,” Danby said.

“And I’m not saying we’re any superior breed but you have to make a judgement in our own circumstances and in this parliament, with Tony Abbot breathing down our necks and leadership challenges, I made the judgement that this was not going through.”

When the Star Observer asked what prompted his eventual decision to comment on the radio, Danby offered the following:

“When it became clear to me that people in the community were agitated about this…I thought, let’s strike while the iron’s hot. The issue was quiet, over, and it was time to make clear to people where I stood.”

Marriage equality groups and the Star Observer have lobbied Danby since the vote to comment on his decision. Although the statement on JOY 94.9 came just days after then-backbencher Kevin Rudd announced his support for marriage equality, Danby said his actions were “in spite of” Rudd, not because of him.

Danby said most of the lobbying on marriage equality in his electorate was in support, but said he was also being lobbied to oppose it by some religious groups, notably the Greek Orthodox community. However, Danby reiterated his support for marriage equality going into this year’s federal election, promising again to vote for future bills. He said he believes Labor would be able to pass marriage equality in the next government if elected.

“Now the opportunity is for Labor being elected and holding people like me to our pledges, and it’ll happen,” he said.

Danby is facing openly gay Liberal Party candidate and marriage equality supporter Kevin Ekendahl in the election, who he defeated in 2010 with an increased majority.

The Progressive Perspective on Same Sex Marriage | Galus Australis

The Progressive Perspective on Same Sex Marriage

July 24, 2013 – 8:00 pm

By Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black:

Scott Whitmont wedding in Sydney

Within Progressive Judaism, we start with a strong emphasis on the human position. We also believe that every human being is ‘made in God’s image’, and that God is a God of love, kindness and justice. Whilst the majority of people are predominantly heterosexual, it is clear that a significant number are not, and we do not accept that God wishes them to be forced into relationships and structures that are not as loving, healthy and supportive as they could be.

Since we believe that Torah is a revered but ultimately human document, written by our ancestors, inspired by God and seeking to answer the question ‘What does God want of us?’, we recognise the duplicated prohibition in Leviticus that ‘a man should not lie with another man as with a woman’ as one of those simplistic and time-bound human rules, developed in the context of needing to produce as many children as possible to create a numerous nation (and army) – and one that has, sadly and tragically, led to enormous prejudice, bigotry, hatred and violence against a particular group within all monotheistic religions over the subsequent millennia.

Back in Genesis 2, the observation is made, in the name of God, that a person should not be alone. However much you love your animals, they are not the same as another person. The context of the creation story on Genesis 1 is on reproduction – the trees and vegetation with their seed in them, the very first command – even before humans have been created – to the creatures and birds and insects: ‘Go forth and multiply’. When God created humanity – male and female at the same moment – they too received the same instruction – the first command to humanity, but with the added responsibility to ‘khivshuha’ – to ‘master’ or ‘care-take’ the earth. After Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden (the naive innocence of childhood where everything is provided), they get down to propagation (chapter 4) – the explanation for the population of the world. Male and Female equals children!

So this relationship which produces children was seen as ‘God’s natural plan’ (though sometimes with more than one wife!) and was formalised in ‘marriage’ which was then seen as a ‘God given’ or ‘holy’ structure (the agreement to form such as unit is termed ‘kiddushin’, sanctification). Hence, as with homophobia, marriage as a divinely sanctioned heterosexual union has also drawn heavily on the Hebrew bible as it has become the norm in monotheism.

Today we acknowledge that we cannot be sure of God’s will, and that Torah scholarship does not spell it out definitively and fully. We view and review our generations of experience and scholarship with our wish for truth, right, justice and compassion and our understanding of psychology, history, coercion and oppression in the name of religion and God. We seek to do God’s will, as our ancestors did, but with the awareness that we may not be right, and can only do our best.

In March, 2000, the Central Conference of American Rabbis agreed that “the relationship of a Jewish, same gender couple is worthy of affirmation through appropriate Jewish ritual”. In Britain, too, homosexual Jewish couples were able to celebrate a Commitment Ceremony. In 2009, the Rabbis of the Union for Progressive Judaism (Australia, New Zealand and Asia) resolved to permit its rabbis to officiate at same gender commitment ceremonies between two Jews. At that stage we were not ready to use the specific term Kiddushin but could use the term ‘bestowing Kedusha’.  A document may be used and referred to as a Ketubah. A Khuppah may be used as it may be understood to represent the Jewish home being established.

We have agreed not to call the ceremony Marriage for the time being even where we may be legally entitled to do so, but we have written to the government to call for full Marriage Equality – so that marriage may now be recognized as a binding legal and social commitment between two adults. Marriage serves as a recognised and long-term legal and social structure in the modern world. Those who live in a permanent relationship without the benefit of the formal recognition may still suffer from some social stigma and may be disadvantaged, for example in pension rights, and any such inequity is unjust and unacceptable. For these reasons, the Rabbis and leaders of the UPJ now wish to see marriage redefined as the permanent and exclusive relationship between two people, whether a man and a woman, two women or two men, and support Marriage Equality. We were the only religious group to provide supportive testimony to the two Parliamentary enquiries into it, but hope that others will soon join us! We also support Keshet (, who are committed to challenging the ongoing prejudice and discrimination within the Jewish community against homosexuality.

Jonathan Keren-Black is Rabbi at The Leo Baeck Centre.

Jewish Teacher Strikes New Legal Blow in Gay Marriage Fight |

Jewish Teacher Strikes New Legal Blow in Gay Marriage Fight |

World Union of Progressive Judaism passes resolution in support of Marriage Equality

The following resolution on Marriage Equality passed by overwhelming majority at the International Assembly of the World Union of Progressive Judaism on May 1 2013.

All of the suggested resolutions can be viewed here.

World Union for Progressive Judaism

WUPJ International Assembly Meeting
May 1st, 2013 – Jerusalem, Israel
Suggested Resolutions

8. WUPJ Proposed Resolution on Marriage Equality

(Proposed by Resolutions Committee)

Whereas the World Union for Progressive Judaism condemns all forms of bigotry and discrimination in our society as being incompatible with the preservation of human dignity which is destructive of tzelem elohim, and;

Whereas the WUPJ upholds the principle of treating all people equally whether by gender, age, colour or sexual preference, and;

Whereas the WUPJ has long championed full equality of women in our movement and in society generally, and;

Whereas the 2011 International Assembly of the World Union for Progressive Judaism called on all institutions, colleges, congregations and youth groups to give equal opportunity to gay and lesbian bisexual transgender and inter-sex members (GLBTI), especially in terms of leadership and learning and to be aware of gender issues when developing study curriculum, and;

Whereas the 2011 International Assembly of the World Union for Progressive Judaism called on all institutions associated with the WUPJ to treat GLBTI couples in the same manner as married heterosexual couples and families. This call included commitment ceremonies, and family membership fees.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the 2013 International Assembly of the World Union for Progressive Judaism calls upon all institutions associated with the WUPJ to promote, where possible, marriage equality within our movement, and to join with others to support legislation to help guarantee the legal rights of GLBTI couples to marry civilly and religiously, and to secure their marital legal rights in full equality to heterosexual couples.