News articles

A Jewish flavour to Mardi Gras | AJN

9 Mar 2012
The Australian Jewish News Sydney edition

A Jewish flavour to Mardi Gras

MORE than 100 members and supporters of same-sex Jewish advocacy group Dayenu marched to the beat of Havenu Shalom Aleichem, “Peace be upon you”, joining 140 floats and more than 9000 people in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Same-sex Jewish advocacy group Dayenu expressed their Jewish identity when they participated in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras last weekend.

Dayenu marchers expressed their Jewish identity by dressing according to the theme of Purim, singing and dancing to the Hebrew lyrics while they followed their float, which was adorned with a Star of David.

Dayenu president Roy Freeman said the group’s attendance at the Mardi Gras was the biggest in recent years and conveyed a wide-reaching message.

“It sends a message to the Jewish community that we’re here and to the gay and lesbian community that there’s a Jewish gay and lesbian community as well,” Freeman, who will make aliyah explained.

“It sends a very powerful message that we’re proud of who we are and it doesn’t matter what anyone says, we exist and we’re here and we’re very excited to be part of Mardi Gras.”

Members from Jewish youth groups Habonim and Netzer participated in the parade to demonstrate their support for Dayenu.

“I think it’s really important that later this month, we support this community and all they do. They’re great and they’re vibrant, and as a youth movement we’re really proud to support them, we support equality for everyone,” said Netzer NSW president Gemma Hilton.

ajn 20120309 p5 A Jewish flavour to Mardi Gras

Student video outs lesbians | The Weekly Review Bayside

Student video outs lesbians


March 5, 2012, 1:48 a.m.

  • King David School students (L-R) Marco and Liat

A GROUP of gay students have officially come out to their peers and teachers in a video screening at the Jewish King David School’s Friday morning assembly.

The video shows three girls talking about their sexual orientation and encouraging others who are gay or bisexual to approach them for advice.

The girls are part of the Queer and Or Straight Alliance (QOSA) – a small student-based group at the school which holds meetings and runs events to help educate teenagers about the nature of sexual diversity.

Gayle Factor, a support teacher of QOSA, said the program fostered a comfortable environment for gay and bisexual students to come to terms with their sexuality. Lesbian student Liat said the group was the reason she felt comfortable coming out.

QOSA formed as a result of a broader, government funded and supported program to prevent homophobic bullying in schools.

Since the program’s launch at the end of 2010, 30 schools have become members of the Safer Schools Coalition Victoria.

King David is the only Jewish school to join.

Principal Michelle Bernshaw said she didn’t see the program from the perspective of Judaism but from that of an educator.

“It’s imperative that every child in the school feels supported and respected,” she said.

Friday’s video revelation comes a few weeks after a leading Australian Rabbi, Dr Shimon Cowen, criticised the SSCV’s program fearing that it may “normalise” homosexuality.

Some of QOSA’s members said they had felt alienated from Judaism when they first realised they were gay. But since learning more about its different denominations, they found there could be a healthy relationship between their religion and sexuality.

Another member and video maker, Marco, said you could be gay or bisexual and still be part of a religious community.


Chaim Levin is Giving Hope to LGBT Orthodox Jews | Truth Wins Out

Chaim Levin is Giving Hope to LGBT Orthodox Jews | Truth Wins Out.

22nd Melbourne Queer Film Festival – The Jewish & Israeli experience

The 22nd Melbourne Queer Film Festival runs from the 15th-25th March, 2012.

2012 MQFF banner

There are several Jewish and Israeli offerings in this year’s programme.

A lesbian feature: “Jo + Belle” and a short: “Your Warmth” in Cocktales (Shorts Package).

Lesbian short – Some Things are Worse Than Being Gay in Femme Fatalities (Shorts Package).
Adam’s Tallit in OZ Shorts (Shorts Package).
Let My People Go – gay feature film.