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Caulfield Candidates Forum: Changing the Equal Opportunity Act

At the November 9 2022 Caulfield Candidates’ Forum and Q&A, candidates David Southwick MP (Liberal) and Lior Harel (ALP) discuss a Liberal Party proposal to amend the Equal Opportunity Act. Question asked by Caulfield resident David Zyngier on behalf of Aleph Melbourne.


“David Southwick has given an iron-clad guarantee that under a Liberal Government any amendment to the Equal Opportunity Act will protect the LGBTIQA+ community from discrimination.*

Hypothetical scenarios aside, can he state what genuine existing problem necessitates an amendment to the Equal Opportunity Act?”

* Candidate statement: David Southwick – Liberal for Caulfield


“If the roof body for the Jewish community says the law doesn’t need to be changed, and the major Jewish schools say the law doesn’t need to be changed, who are you changing the law for?”

Candidate statement: Steve Dimopoulos – Labor for Oakleigh

The following political statement has been supplied by Steve Dimopoulos who is running as a candidate for Oakleigh District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

Dear Michael,

Thank you for the opportunity.

I have a belief that everyone should be able to live their life unencumbered by bigotry and prejudice.

I am very proud of the track record that the Andrews Labor Government has in supporting the LGBTQI+ community including the introduction of the Safe Schools program to create a safe environment for children, the banning of gay conversion therapy, the building and opening of the Gay Pride Centre in St Kilda and sponsoring the first Pride match at AAMI park. Premier Dan Andrews has marched in Pride March since the first year he became Premier and continues to do so. There is a lot more I can say about, the support of the Government that I am a member of, for the LGBTQI+ community including mental health and festival funding but I want to leave you with the following – a big part of the reason I can be out as a Minister and an MP in the Government is because of the culture of our Government.

I will continue to support and advocate for the LGBTIQ+ community.

Steve Dimopoulos

Candidate statement: Amelia Natoli – Animal Justice Party for Malvern

The following political statement has been supplied by Amelia Natoli who is running as a candidate for Malvern District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

Kindness, equality, rationality, and non-violence are the core values of the Animal Justice Party.

I strongly support individuals being protected from discrimination and harassment due to gender or sexual identity and encourage more safe and accessible places to support and celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion, especially in the District of Malvern.

I strongly support LGBTQIA+ organisations in our community and will support and prioritise the LGBTQIA+ youth voice if elected.

Our current MP, Andy Meddick has been working tirelessly in parliament to create more LGBTQIA+ safe spaces in Victoria.

The Animal Justice Party’s policies are as follows:

  • Gender and sexuality equality is a fundamental human right and that the health, safety and wellbeing of women, girls and gender-diverse people is paramount.
  • Reforms are essential to address the causes of gender and sexuality inequality and to protect people against gender and sexuality-based violence.
  • Women and gender-diverse people must be supported, encouraged, and empowered to be present and/or prominent in all areas of society, including politics.
  • Everyone must be supported in informed decision-making with respect to gender and sexual identity.
  • There must be zero tolerance of sexism, homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, misogyny and all types of violence (including gender and sexuality based violence) and we must work toward gender and sexuality equality and respect in all areas of society.
  • Gender-inclusive language should be used.

In a world where we can be anything, we should choose to be kind.

Further information about my campaign can be found via the links

Candidate statement: Sam Hibbins – Greens for Prahran

The following political statement has been supplied by Sam Hibbins who is running as a candidate for Prahran District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide a candidate statement to Aleph Melbourne and thank you for the work you do to support our Jewish LGBTIQA+ community.

Myself and the Victorian Greens are a party who stands with LGBTIQA+ Victorians. And while we’ve come a long way, there’s still more work to be done. The Green are committed to continuing to fight to ensure that all Victorian’s are able to live a happy, healthy and equal life, free from discrimination and prejudice.

The LGBTIQA+ communities in Victoria are strong and resilient, but we also know of the disparities in the mental health and wellbeing of the LGBTIQA+ community when compared to the general population.

There’s still members of the LGBTIQA+ communities who face discrimination, prejudice, violence, isolation, stigma and exclusion and this causes harm and affect people’s health and well being in a profound way.

Myself and the Greens are committed to continuing to address these harms and to fighting for a more just and inclusive future.

The Victorian Greens have launched our Rainbow State Action Plan.

This plan includes two key elements. The first is further changes to our laws, we need to continue to strengthen our equal opportunity laws, we must expand anti-vilification laws and make vilification and public harassment a crime to better protect LGBTIQA+ people and support victims of hate crimes.

We need to look at a ban of deferrable medical interventions on intersex children and continue to work with the LGBTIQA+ community to identify further areas of reform, including adoption, assisted reproductive treatment and surrogacy, to make sure that our laws protect everyone.

The second element is a Rainbow State Fund of $200 million over the next term for community-controlled LGBTIQA+ organisations, with a focus on key areas of need such as mental health, youth services, homelessness and sexual health.

We’ve heard that LGBTIQA+ community organisations are tired of the funding uncertainty, or the constant under funding.

And we know the need and demand in communities for dedicated services is high. These services are best delivered by community, for community.

We’d also specifically fund:

  • An additional clinical services for trans, gender diverse and non-binary Victorians
  • An accommodation facility, with associated support and health services, for trans, gender diverse and non-binary people
  • Social, psychological and peer support for intersex people and their families
  • Establishing an LGBTIQA+ Community Hub with family services, youth facilities, events, and co-located health services
  • Support services for survivors of conversion practices
  • Ongoing funding for pride events and festivals around the state

Everyone should feel safe from discrimination and be able to access support and services that meet their needs.

To Aleph members and LGBTIQA+ communities across Victoria, the Greens stand with you.

We see you. We hear you. And we’re fighting for you in the state parliament, so that Victoria truly becomes the rainbow state.

Sam Hibbins MP

Member for Prahran
Victorian Greens spokesperson for LGBTIQA+ Equality



Candidate statement: Nomi Kaltmann  – Independent for Caulfield

The following political statement has been supplied by Nomi Kaltmann who is running as a candidate for Caulfield District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your email asking for a candidate statement on LGBQTI+ inclusion.

All persons should be free to live free from persecution and vilification, irrespective of their sexuality, cultural background or religion. 

In general, I believe that there are certain principles that should be adhered to when considering legislation, so that it takes into account the needs of LGBQTI+ persons:

  • People in the LGBTIQA+ community come from all backgrounds and walks of life, so policy should be diverse in reflecting that
  • Allies of the LGBQTI+ community should ask for direct input from members of the LGBQTI+ community when considering legislative changes and policies 
  • Every person in Victoria and in wider Australia deserves to live without fear of discrimination, and should be able to live without fear relating to their gender or sexual identity
  • Specific protections should be considered in a legislative framework that  provide a strengthened response to higher rates of discrimination that members of the LGBQTI+ community face

I wish you continued success with your important work at Aleph. 

Kind regards

Nomi Kaltmann

Candidate statement: Jessamine Moffett – Greens for Clarinda

The following political statement has been supplied by Jessamine Moffett who is running as a candidate for Clarinda District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

LGBTIQA+ equality is an issue incredibly close to my heart because not only am I a member of the community but many of my closest friends are. The LGBTIQA+ community deserves to be seen and respected. 

No matter our sexuality or gender identity we should all feel safe from discrimination and be able to access support and services that meet our needs. With more Greens in Parliament we’ll push for comprehensive changes to make this a reality.

The Greens are committed to putting $200 million into a Rainbow State Fund as well as establishing an ‘Equality Bill’.  

This fund will support initiatives such as:

  1. Funding for community controlled LGBTIQA+ services in key areas of need such as mental health, multicultural and youth services, homelessness and sexual health
  2. Establishing an accommodation facility, with associated support and health services, for trans, gender diverse and non-binary people 
  3. Establishing an LGBTIQA+ Community Hub with family services, youth facilities, events, and co-located health services 
  4. Investing in additional clinical services for trans, gender diverse and non-binary Victorians
  5. Ongoing funding for pride events and festivals around the state
  6. Social, psychological and peer support for intersex people and their families
  7. Support services for survivors of conversion practices  

You can find out more about the Rainbow State Plan at the link below:

I’m completely open to answering any questions or having conversations people may want to have and my inbox is always open. You can find me at the links below:

Candidate statement: Cassandra Westwood – Animal Justice Party for Albert Park

The following political statement has been supplied by Cassandra Westwood who is running as a candidate for Albert Park District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

I believe that everyone should feel safe and included in our society, regardless of gender or sexual identity. I am a proponent of LGBTQIA+ organisations and admire the work that Aleph Melbourne does to support the community.

Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick, who is currently elected in the Western Victoria region, has been working to create more LGBTQIA+ safe spaces in Victoria. If elected, I will campaign for more safe spaces in the Albert Park district. I would be honoured to provide a voice to the LGBTQIA+ community in Parliament.

The Animal Justice Party’s policies are as follows:

  • Gender and sexuality equality is a fundamental human right and that the health, safety and wellbeing of women, girls and gender-diverse people is paramount.
  • Reforms are essential to address the causes of gender and sexuality inequality and to protect people against gender and sexuality based violence.
  • Women and gender-diverse people must be supported, encouraged and empowered to be present and/or prominent in all areas of society, including politics.
  • Everyone must be supported in informed decision-making with respect to gender and sexual identity;
  • There must be zero tolerance of sexism, homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, misogyny and all types of violence (including gender and sexuality based violence) and we must work toward gender and sexuality equality and respect in all areas of society.
  • Gender-inclusive language should be used.

Caulfield Great Debate: Religious Discrimination

Audio extract from the November 3 2022 Caulfield Great Debate candidates forum, where the candidates discuss the proposed Liberal Party legislation to water down anti-discrimination legislation and how this may adversely impact LGBTIQ+ people.

Speakers: David Southwick MP (Liberal), Lior Harel (ALP), Nomi Kaltmann (independent), Rachel Iampolski (Greens), Julie Szego (moderator)

Victorian Liberal MP Gives Personal ‘Iron-Clad’ Guarantee To Protect LGBT Community From Discrimination | Star Observer

Michael Barnett, co-convenor of Aleph Melbourne welcomed Southwick’s “personal guarantee to look after the best interests of LGBTIQ+ people” but added that the organisation had concerns with the party’s policies.
“I am concerned that the Liberal Party as a whole does not share his strong support for our wellbeing.  One just has to look at the untold damage they did to trans people by running an anti-trans candidate like Katherine Deves in NSW in the recent Federal election,” Barnett told Star Observer
“I am also confounded as to what actual problem the Liberal Party feels it needs to introduce this legislation for.   To my thinking they have fabricated a hypothetical scenario and are jumping in to save the day as the good guys.  It’s the stuff of comic books, but it’s not funny,” added Barnett. 

Candidate statement: Alice Le Huray  – Animal Justice Party for Prahran

The following political statement has been supplied by Alice Le Huray who is running as a candidate for Prahran District in the 2022 Victorian State Government election.

Aleph Melbourne will endorse all political candidates who unconditionally support equal rights for LGBTIQ+ Jews and whose values align with ours.

Kindness, equality, rationality, and non-violence are the core values of the Animal Justice Party.

The AJP has a proud history of supporting progressive human causes, and myself a candidate for Prahran am committed to:

  • Building an inclusive society with strong awareness of historical, systemic, and institutional privilege, disadvantage, and inequality
  • Advancing equality of opportunity for all in educational, work, recreational, housing, and administrative settings, and restitution measures for those affected by historical injustices
  • Protecting the human, political and socio-economic rights of all individuals
  • Prohibiting direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, vilification, and/or victimisation of anyone on the basis of any of the above attributes

Our current MP, Andy Meddick has been working tirelessly in parliament to create more LGBTQIA+ safe spaces in Victoria, particularly for the youth community in areas like Geelong and Ballarat.

Personally, I’m proud to be a part of St Kilda – home to the Victorian Pride Centre; the first of its kind in Australia. I strongly support LGBTQIA+ organisations and communities and encourage more safe and accessible places to support and celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion.