AJN: A moment of solidarity, hope and optimism

Love in the air

A moment of solidarity, hope and optimism

‘It brings tears of happiness to my eyes, knowing that we’ve done something good, challenging tired and outdated attitudes that fester in the darkness’

By Michael Barnett
February 7, 2025, 1:52 pm

The Jews of Pride at the Midsumma march in 2024. Photo: Peter Haskin

Sunday, February, 2 2025 was the 30th anniversary of Melbourne’s Pride March, now part of the Midsumma Festival. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in Pride March since at least 1997, more prominently since the formation of Jews of Pride in 2018.

Despite a forecast maximum of 38 degrees, for a second year in a row, we turned out in numbers to show our support for LGBTIQA+ diversity.

We saw the return of Jewish Care and the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJWA) to our ranks, along with first time appearances for Maccabi Victoria, Shira Melbourne, Meretz Australia and Etz Chayim Progressive Synagogue.

Stalwart groups Aleph Melbourne, Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria, Temple Beth Israel, Pathways Melbourne, Netzer, SKIF, Habo, Hashomer Hatzair, Zionism Victoria, the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA), Melbourne Holocaust Museum, Kehilat Kolenu, the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) and the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) all had a strong presence, in person or in kind.

Special mention to Jewish politicians David Southwick and Josh Burns, both who supported Jews of Pride for a second year with a joint statement of support, whilst Josh dropped in to visit SKIF and David marched with us.

Notably, it was wonderful to have Philip Zajac join us for the first time, setting the record for the first sitting president of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria to join Jews of Pride.

A key ingredient of the contingent is the sound truck, blasting Jewish music down the street.  Yiddish favourite Chiribim Chiribom made a cameo appearance in the mix, to return more prominently next year, whilst Hava Nagila, Jerushalayim Shel Zahav, Od Lo Ahavti Dai and contemporary Israeli songs brought the crowds to life and smiles to everyone’s faces.

After the parade someone said to me, “I wonder if we’ve been gaslighting ourselves. The people on the sidelines actually loved us,” to which I responded by saying that “yes, they do, this is St Kilda, and yes, a lot of people do love Jews, despite the scourge of antisemitism we find ourselves in right now”.

Together with Colin Krycer, we spend months planning Jews of Pride, to bring a moment of solidarity, hope and optimism for the Jewish community, to be publicly and safely Jewish, standing up for the rights, inclusion and celebration of LGBTIQA+ people and families. We bring together different ways of being Jewish, in our politics, practices and backgrounds, yet we come together as one, with shared purpose.

As I reflect on the successes of our previous years, and look at the growing number of groups joining us, I feel a sense of achievement. It also brings tears of happiness to my eyes, knowing that we’ve done something good, challenging tired and outdated attitudes that fester in the darkness.

This year was different for me, in a special way. In 2006 Aleph Melbourne combined with Lebanese and Arab gay men in Pride March. That was one of my proudest moments of all the years I’ve attended Pride March, showing how we can do things better. At the end of this year’s parade, as I walked back to the Jews of Pride truck with our shiny new placards, flags and a set of fresh memories, I happened past the Queer Arabs Australia truck parked nearby, their group still dancing to wildly wonderful Middle Eastern Music.

There was definitely love in the air, such is the spirit of day.  Shvitzing and sore, I stopped for a moment, found their leader, Bas, and introduced myself. He extended a welcome with a hug and refreshing drink from his esky. I told him of what happened in 2006, and how that made me feel. I felt a sense of connectedness, two people from different communities, but with much in common. We talked of how there might be a way we can start a dialogue, and see if something positive can come from that. I believe that even on the welcoming streets of St Kilda, at a pride march, queer Jews and Arabs can come together, in love and in hope, and help create a better future for all of us.

Lastly, a special mention goes to my husband Gregory Storer who did so much for the day, including designing a special security camera for the truck to help keep us safe, and also to Sammy Belleli who enthusiastically helped bring the truck to life.

Jews of Pride will return in 2026, renewed, refreshed, standing up for decency and for our community.

Michael Barnett is co-convenor of Aleph Melbourne.

‘We are an unstoppable force of unity’ | AJN


‘We are an unstoppable force of unity’

We aren’t alone in this struggle, but our struggle is not a new one, and we know that eternal vigilance is required to fend off the antisemitism.

February 1, 2024, 9:00 am

The Jews of Pride contingent at the 2023 Pride March. Photo: Peter Haskin

I recently attended the 70th anniversary celebration for Hashomer Hatzair, as a friend of the movement.

It was a fabulous event, full of ritual, tradition, community and celebration. The day was tinged with sadness though, as they announced they were entering a period of hiatus due to leadership uncertainties.

My connection with Hashy is mainly through the “Jews of Pride” contingent at the annual Pride March in St Kilda. Each year they attend dressed in their chultzot, bring their flags, dance like crazy, fill my heart with joy and bring tears of happiness to my eyes. I know they will continue to join us, one way or another.

I left the party at Bet Anielewicz, their home in East St Kilda, just as the Israeli dancing was starting. I wanted to stay on but had to be elsewhere. Od Lo Ahavti Dai started playing.

I took a moment to soak in the music before getting into my car. It did something to me. I was transformed to a time when I was learning Israeli dancing. I don’t remember when, but it was powerful. I felt so connected to my Jewish upbringing by this simple but catchy tune.

Right now, the Jewish community is struggling. We are in a world where we hear the footsteps of less friendly times. Those echoes seem to grow louder by the day and we don’t know if we can be ourselves as easily as we could yesterday.

We aren’t alone in this struggle, but our struggle is not a new one, and we know that eternal vigilance is required to fend off the antisemitism.

Since October 7 I have witnessed a new phenomenon. Many people and organisations familiar to me have been swept up with efforts to support Palestinian people. I can understand this, as the humanitarian response to the destruction in Gaza is sizeable.

What I can’t understand is why many of the same people and organisations have chosen to stay silent on or minimise the terrorism that Israel faced, along with Hamas’ plan to erase Israel.

My LGBTIQA+ community has in parts become increasingly hostile towards Jews and Israel. Yet those who enable this juggernaut claim not to be antisemitic, despite supporting initiatives that are nothing but. This saddens me deeply.

However, through my commitment to my Jewish community I know I can help bring a sense of hope, peace, love and optimism. Sunday, February 4 is when “Jews of Pride” comes to life at Melbourne’s Midsumma Pride March. A raft of new and returning community organisations will coalesce in force to show their support for rainbow diversity, amid a burst of Jewish culture and identity.

We are an unstoppable force of unity that is undeniably and unashamedly Jewish. We convey pride in standing for inclusion and acceptance, and pride in who we are as a people.

Fitzroy Street will resonate with familiar Jewish tunes and Israeli music that calls to a solidarity with our families and friends in Israel. Together with fellow contingent organiser Colin Krycer, we urge you to come along and show your support.

Be strong. Be proud. Be there.

Michael Barnett is co-convenor of Aleph Melbourne.

More info: jewsofpride.org.au

MR: Aleph Melbourne Congratulates Colin Krycer OAM

JANUARY 26 2024


Aleph Melbourne sends a hearty Mazal Tov and congratulations to Co-Convenor Colin Krycer OAM on receiving a Medal of the Order of Australia for service to the LGBTIQ community.

Colin has been an amazing contributor to Aleph Melbourne since 1997 and the wider LGBTIQA+ community since the late 1980s.

Within Aleph Melbourne Colin has committed himself to supporting LGBTIQA+ people in the Jewish community.  The Jews of Pride contingent in Pride March would never have been the success that it is without Colin’s amazing skills.

Most notably, Colin has selflessly dedicated many years and countless thousands of hours to supporting people living with HIV/AIDS initially through the Victorian AIDS Council and ongoing volunteering efforts through Thorne Harbour Health, along with additional past associations with the AIDS Memorial Quilt Project and Candlelight Vigil.

Colin also has a long and proud association with JOY Media since it launched on World AIDS Day in 1993.

We are so proud of our Colin.  He is a quiet, behind-the-scenes kinda guy.  He doesn’t seek or want attention, and just gives of himself, tirelessly.

Thank you Colin for your commitment, passion, enthusiasm, guidance and sense of humour.  We are so much richer for what you do and who you are.


Michael Barnett OAM (Co-convenor) | michael@aleph.org.au | 0417-595-541
Colin Krycer OAM (Co-convenor) | colin@aleph.org.au | 0411-441-691

Photograph of Colin Krycer (Credit to Michael Barnett):

Aleph co-convenor recognised | AJN


Aleph co-convenor recognised

Krycer has been volunteering with Melbourne’s LGBTIQ+ community for over 35 years, much of this with the Victorian AIDS Council at Thorne Harbour Health.

March 2, 2023, 12:20 pm 

From left: Daniel Bryen (Thorne Harbour Health), Colin Krycer (Aleph Melbourne), Michael Barnett (Aleph Melbourne) Photo: Aleph Melbourne.

Aleph Melbourne has congratulated co-convenor Colin Krycer for being awarded “Volunteer of the Year” at GLOBE Victoria’s Victorian Pride Awards 2022, held last month.

Krycer has been volunteering with Melbourne’s LGBTIQ+ community for over 35 years, much of this with the Victorian AIDS Council at Thorne Harbour Health.

A longstanding volunteer of Thorne Harbour Health since 1987, Krycer has given willingly of his time to assist many LGBTIQA+ organisations including the Pride Foundation, Aleph Melbourne, Melbourne Rainbow Band, Melbourne Gay and Lesbian Chorus, JOY, ALSO Foundation, Positive Attitude, the Melbourne AIDS Memorial Candlelight Vigil and Quilt Project Inc,

Since 2018 Krycer has helped make the Jews of Pride contingent at Pride March a massive success with his sound system and event management talents, making the Jewish community contingent one of the event’s highlights.

Among his involvement with Aleph Melbourne is hosting community Shabbat dinners, Jewish movie events, and heimishe afternoon teas at his house.

Aleph Melbourne at GESAC Summer Pride

Aleph Melbourne attended Summer Pride at GESAC on Saturday February 25, represented by stalwarts Susie Danziger, Colin Krycer and Michael Barnett.

Our inaugural presence at this pride event was warmly welcomed by many Jewish patrons, thrilled to see a Jewish LGBTIQ+ community group spreading a message of inclusion and acceptance.

We felt at right home at GESAC, where diversity and inclusion is part of the DNA of Glen Eira City Council. Mayor Jim Magee and CEO Rebecca McKenzie, together with the entire Glen Eira team and Leisure Centre staff, warmly welcomed us to their home.

Most heartening was seeing so many parents approaching our table and sending messages of support and thanks for attending. Even more wonderful than that was seeing the smiles of delight from the multitudes of children taking the stylish Aleph Melbourne sticker, under the supportive wing of their parents.

Aleph Melbourne’s next community appearance is at In One Voice on Sunday March 19.

Aleph Melbourne Co-Convenor Colin Krycer awarded “Volunteer of the Year” at Victorian Pride Awards 2022

FEBRUARY 16 2023
Aleph Melbourne Co-Convenor Colin Krycer awarded “Volunteer of the Year” at Victorian Pride Awards 2022

Aleph Melbourne congratulates co-convenor Colin Krycer for being awarded “Volunteer of the Year” at GLOBE Victoria’s “Victorian Pride Awards 2022” held in February 2023.

WINNER – Colin Krycer (he/him) has been volunteering within the LGBTIQA+ community for over three decades. A longstanding volunteer of Thorne Harbour Health since 1987, Colin has given willingly of his time to assist many LGBTIQA+ organisations including the Pride Foundation, ALEPH, Melbourne Rainbow Band, Melbourne Gay and Lesbian Chorus, JOY, ALSO Foundation, Positive Attitude, the Melbourne AIDS Memorial Candlelight Vigil and Quilt Project Inc, to name but a few.

Victorian Pride Awards 2022

Colin has been volunteering with Melbourne’s LGBTIQ+ community for over 35 years, much of this with the Victorian AIDS Council / Thorne Harbour Health.

Aleph Melbourne has been privileged to have Colin’s involvement over many years. He has been an invaluable member and organiser, volunteering countless hours of his time to support LGBTIQ+ people in Melbourne’s Jewish community.

Amongst Colin’s involvement with Aleph Melbourne is hosting community Shabbat dinners, Jewish movie events, and hamishe afternoon teas at his house.

Since 2018 Colin has helped make the Jews of Pride contingent at Pride March a massive success with his sound system and event management talents, making the Jewish community contingent one of the event’s highlights.

Colin’s passion as a volunteer knows no bounds, giving his time and efforts generously and willingly.

The Jewish community, the LGBTIQ+ community and the HIV/AIDS community are richer and better off for Colin’s volunteerism and huge heart.

Aleph Melbourne sends a hearty Mazal Tov to Colin Krycer.


Contact: Michael Barnett | 0417 595 541 | michael@aleph.org.au


(L to R): Daniel Bryen (Thorne Harbour Health), Colin Krycer (Aleph Melbourne), Michael Barnett (Aleph Melbourne) / Credit: Aleph Melbourne


Colin Krycer being awarded “Volunteer of the Year” (courtesy of LanceTV).


Jewish organisations show their support | AJN


Jewish organisations show their support

‘It filled my heart to the brim to see so many amazing people join in, from all areas within the Jewish community.’

February 10, 2023, 7:36 am 

Jews of Pride at the Pride march in St Kilda. Photo: Peter Haskin

This year the annual Pride march saw a 130-person strong Jews of Pride group make its way down Fitzroy Street.

Some participating organisations in the contingent organised by Aleph Melbourne included; the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) The Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) and Temple Beth Israel (TBI).

Co-convener of Aleph Melbourne Michael Barnett told The AJN, “It filled my heart to the brim to see so many amazing people join in, from all areas within the Jewish community.

“We had several newcomer organisations to the contingent this year and a variety of first-time attendees from the community,” Barnett added.

Aleph Melbourne’s Colin Krycer set up the sound truck once again, with assistance from Gregory Storer who navigated the truck down the parade route.

Barnett said, “This year the truck was resplendent in stylistic rainbow Magen David wheel covers, and our contingent leaders Susie and Dudi flew massive rainbow Magen David flags to tell the world LGBTIQ+ Jews are worth dancing and prancing down the street for.”

Vice-president of the JCCV Doron Abramovici told The AJN that he was “proud” to join the Jews of Pride continent at the march.

“Once again, Colin Krycer and Michael Barnett OAM did an excellent job in bringing our community together. Our Jewish community has made significant inroads towards LGBTIQ+ inclusion over the last decade, but there is always more we can do to help the LGBTIQ+ community overcome any barriers they may face to fully participate in Jewish life,” he said.

“[I hope] we have continued to share the important message that our community today is more welcoming and inclusive, and leadership takes issues affecting LGBTIQ+ Jews very seriously.”

Media Release: Australia Day Honours for Michael Barnett

Media Release
Australia Day Honours for Michael Barnett

Aleph Melbourne is proud to announce that our co-convenor, Michael Barnett, has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal in the 2023 Australia Day Honours List.  

Michael has been an integral part of Aleph Melbourne, and receiving an Order of Australia recognises the tireless work he has undertaken in the Jewish community in Melbourne.

His work has spanned nearly 30 years, and the award acknowledges his dedication and devotion to ensuring that the community is welcoming of all gender and orientations.

Michael has provided a welcoming place for hundreds of people over the years, and has been at the forefront of fighting for the dignity and humanity of people from diverse genders and sexual orientations. 

From arranging Shabbat meals and social get togethers to taking on the might of the establishment, he was worked tirelessly to make life just a little better for the community.

The award shows that his tenacity of efforts has paid dividends, as witnessed by the growing ‘Jews of Pride’ participation in Melbourne Pride March each year.  What started as a small group marching with Aleph Melbourne has now expanded to many organisations and hundreds of people marching under the ‘Jews of Pride’ banner.

Michael Barnett OAM, congratulations, Aleph Melbourne is delighted that your hard work has been recognised.

Colin Krycer
Co-convenor – Aleph Melbourne


"Jews of Pride" huge success at 25th Pride March

“Jews of Pride” huge success at 25th Pride March

Jews of Pride at 2020 Pride March
Jews of Pride at 2020 Pride March

Returning for the third year in a row, the award-winning Jews of Pride contingent brought song, dance and festivity to the streets of St Kilda, as part of the 25th annual Pride March, on Sunday February 2 2020.

Fielding it’s largest contingent ever, over 140 people came together representing ten organisations from the Jewish community proudly made their way along Fitzroy Street, to the tunes of traditional and Israeli music pumping from a brightly decorated sound truck, in support of LGBTIQ+ people and families.

Lead organisers Colin Krycer and Michael Barnett, having spent months planning the contingent, were overjoyed that a greater breadth of organisations from the Jewish community joined participated. First time attendees included the National Council of Jewish Women VIC headed up by President Miriam Bass, Zionist Federation of Australia headed up by CEO Ginette Searle, and Australian Jewish Democratic Society headed up by David Zyngier.

Contingent stalwarts included SKIF, Habonim Dror, Temple Beth Israel, Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria, Aleph Melbourne and Keshet Australia.

Jewish Care, returning for their second year, added two brightly decorated minibuses to the contingent, allowing an inclusive opportunity for those who could not walk along the parade route.

The weather was magnificent, breaking the trend of searingly hot days in recent years, and escaping flooding downpours the day prior, with blue skies and warmth adding to the joy of the event. Onlookers were thrilled with the Jews of Pride, many offering Mazal Tovs and L’chaims.

Although there has been a strong Jewish presence in Pride March for all of its 25 year history, this year’s Jews of Pride contingent saw more community leaders, community organisations, families and supporters standing up for the inclusion, celebration, acceptance, visibility and respect of same-sex attracted, trans and gender diverse, and intersex people, and rainbow families.

Jews of Pride will return in 2021, bigger, better and more beautifully Jewish.

Further comment available:
Michael Barnett
Pronouns: he/him/his
Colin Krycer
Pronouns: he/him/his

PHOTO GALLERY (31 high-res photos)
Credit to Michael Barnett
Note: photos will be available for a limited time


MEDIA RELEASE: Aleph Melbourne receives historic 20 year apology from Jewish Community Council of Victoria

On April 1 2019 the Jewish Community Council of Victoria delivered an historic 20-year apology to Aleph Melbourne for past injustices.

Aleph Melbourne receives historic 20 year apology
from Jewish Community Council of Victoria
April 2 2019

Last night the Jewish Community Council of Victoria issued an unconditional apology to Aleph Melbourne for denying it membership of their council in May 1999, and for hurt arising out of the debate that transpired.

Aleph Melbourne welcomes the apology and thanks the JCCV Executive and those members of their council who turned up to vote in favour of the motion.

Whilst the JCCV Executive has always been supportive of Aleph Melbourne, the words of the apology and their actions have demonstrated they are committed to supporting the full and unconditional inclusion and acceptance of all same-sex attracted, trans and gender diverse, and intersex people in the Jewish community.

It was significant that this apology was issued alongside a discussion on anti-Semitism and racism.  The JCCV have further demonstrated their integrity by acknowledging that hate from within the Jewish community is as unacceptable as hate directed toward it.

Aleph Melbourne acknowledges the involvement of the Australian Jewish Democratic Society in the formulation and passage of this apology and is grateful for their long-standing and ongoing support.

Aleph Melbourne believes this is the first apology ever from any Jewish community in relation to the mistreatment of LGBTIQ people.

The JCCV apology is attached below.

A photograph of the formal presentation of a framed copy of the apology is available below and online here: http://bit.ly/jccv-aleph-apology-photo; L to R: (JCCV reps) Anton Hermann, Doron Abramovici, Jennifer Huppert; (Aleph Melbourne reps) Michael Barnett, Shaun Miller, Colin Krycer.  Photo by Gregory Storer.

Michael Barnett & Shaun Miller


For further information contact Michael Barnett  on 0417-595-541 or michael@aleph.org.au


Motion to JCCV Plenum – April 2019

To acknowledge the 20-year anniversary of Aleph Melbourne being denied membership of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria

On the occasion of 20 years since the failed attempt by Aleph Melbourne to join the JCCV, this plenum places on record that:

  • Aleph Melbourne submitted a valid application for membership of the JCCV in January 1999
  • The Executive of the JCCV supported admission of Aleph Melbourne as a member
  • On 10 May 1999 the JCCV Plenum debated the motion and voted (39 votes in favour and 46 votes against) to deny the application for membership
  • In the course of the debate, homophobic views were expressed by some delegates which caused long-term harm to members of our LGBTIQ+ community

Accordingly, this Plenum now apologises unconditionally to all members of our community who were impacted by the rejection of the membership application and for the unacceptable homophobic views expressed during the debate.

We apologise for the deep offence and humiliation caused by the hateful words spoken in the course of the debate.

We apologise for the subsequent distress, further marginalisation and stigmatisation caused by the rejection of Aleph Melbourne’s membership application.

We now recommit ourselves to welcoming and embracing LGBTIQ+ Jews in all our work, as part of our broader commitment to social inclusion for all members of the Jewish community of Victoria.

Through our genuine commitment to equality and diversity we seek to ensure that the mistakes of the past will not be repeated.


20190401 JCCV present historic apology to Aleph Melbourne
L to R: (JCCV reps) Anton Hermann, Doron Abramovici, Jennifer Huppert; (Aleph Melbourne reps) Michael Barnett, Shaun Miller, Colin Krycer.  Photo by Gregory Storer.