Dr David Zyngier posthumously awarded Order of Australia

Aleph Melbourne heartily acknowledges the admittance of the late Dr David Zyngier as a Member of the Order of Australia in the June 10 King’s Birthday 2024 Honours List.

David Zyngier AM was recognised for significant service to tertiary education, and to the community of Glen Eira.

Of particular note, David was a passionate supporter of Aleph Melbourne and of improving the lives of LGBTIQA+ people.

Despite the poignancy of receiving this award posthumously, the recognition helps provide a way for those who knew and loved David to hold his memory strong in perpetuity.

We will be forever grateful for the support David gave our organisation and LGBTIQA+ people over the years.

Full citation: The late Dr David Zyngier

MR: Aleph Melbourne Congratulates Colin Krycer OAM

JANUARY 26 2024


Aleph Melbourne sends a hearty Mazal Tov and congratulations to Co-Convenor Colin Krycer OAM on receiving a Medal of the Order of Australia for service to the LGBTIQ community.

Colin has been an amazing contributor to Aleph Melbourne since 1997 and the wider LGBTIQA+ community since the late 1980s.

Within Aleph Melbourne Colin has committed himself to supporting LGBTIQA+ people in the Jewish community.  The Jews of Pride contingent in Pride March would never have been the success that it is without Colin’s amazing skills.

Most notably, Colin has selflessly dedicated many years and countless thousands of hours to supporting people living with HIV/AIDS initially through the Victorian AIDS Council and ongoing volunteering efforts through Thorne Harbour Health, along with additional past associations with the AIDS Memorial Quilt Project and Candlelight Vigil.

Colin also has a long and proud association with JOY Media since it launched on World AIDS Day in 1993.

We are so proud of our Colin.  He is a quiet, behind-the-scenes kinda guy.  He doesn’t seek or want attention, and just gives of himself, tirelessly.

Thank you Colin for your commitment, passion, enthusiasm, guidance and sense of humour.  We are so much richer for what you do and who you are.


Michael Barnett OAM (Co-convenor) | michael@aleph.org.au | 0417-595-541
Colin Krycer OAM (Co-convenor) | colin@aleph.org.au | 0411-441-691

Photograph of Colin Krycer (Credit to Michael Barnett):

Saturday 25th March 2023: Michael Barnett, LGBTIQ+ OAM recipient, Aleph Melbourne | JOY – Saturday Magazine

Macca and Dave are joined live in the studio by Michael Barnett, co-convenor of the Victoria-based LGBTIQ+ Jewish advocacy group Aleph Melbourne, as they discuss his recent Order of Australia Medal.

Macca and Dave are joined live in the studio by Michael Barnett, co-convenor of the Victoria-based LGBTIQ+ Jewish advocacy group Aleph Melbourne, as they discuss his recent Order of Australia Medal.

Australia Day 2023 honours for elder abuse law trailblazer, Indigenous activist and a fossil hunter | The Guardian

Australia Day 2023 honours for elder abuse law trailblazer, Indigenous activist and a fossil hunter

Australia Day honours recipients from left: solicitor Rodney Lewis AM, First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria member Leanne Miller AM and Aleph Melbourne co-convener Michael Barnett OAM
Australia Day honours recipients from left: solicitor Rodney Lewis AM, First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria member Leanne Miller AM and Aleph Melbourne co-convener Michael Barnett OAM

Other recipients whose work might go under the national radar, but were transformative, include Michael Barnett for service to the LGBTQ+ community, the palaeontologist Lesley Kool, and Leanne Miller for “significant service to women’s affairs, and to the Indigenous community”.

Barnett, a co-convener of Aleph Melbourne, said he worried about suicide rates and mental health issues in vulnerable young people, because of “relentless and pointless homophobic and transphobic intolerance”.

He worked hard to turn things around in one specific community.

“Over the years of my advocacy and activism I have seen Melbourne’s Jewish community become a beacon of LGBTIQ+ inclusion,” he said.

Australia Day 2023 honours for elder abuse law trailblazer, Indigenous activist and a fossil hunter

Media Release: Australia Day Honours for Michael Barnett

Media Release
Australia Day Honours for Michael Barnett

Aleph Melbourne is proud to announce that our co-convenor, Michael Barnett, has been awarded the Order of Australia Medal in the 2023 Australia Day Honours List.  

Michael has been an integral part of Aleph Melbourne, and receiving an Order of Australia recognises the tireless work he has undertaken in the Jewish community in Melbourne.

His work has spanned nearly 30 years, and the award acknowledges his dedication and devotion to ensuring that the community is welcoming of all gender and orientations.

Michael has provided a welcoming place for hundreds of people over the years, and has been at the forefront of fighting for the dignity and humanity of people from diverse genders and sexual orientations. 

From arranging Shabbat meals and social get togethers to taking on the might of the establishment, he was worked tirelessly to make life just a little better for the community.

The award shows that his tenacity of efforts has paid dividends, as witnessed by the growing ‘Jews of Pride’ participation in Melbourne Pride March each year.  What started as a small group marching with Aleph Melbourne has now expanded to many organisations and hundreds of people marching under the ‘Jews of Pride’ banner.

Michael Barnett OAM, congratulations, Aleph Melbourne is delighted that your hard work has been recognised.

Colin Krycer
Co-convenor – Aleph Melbourne
