News articles

Israel Wrestles With How – or Whether – To Recognize Gay Couples | The Forward

Israel Wrestles With How — or Whether — To Recognize Gay Couples

As Interior Ministry Dallies, One Couple Prepares for a High Court Challenge

Seeking Reconition: Joshua Goldberg, left, and Bayardo Alvarez were married in Canada. But Israel’s Interior Ministry has yet to respond to Alvarez’s request for citizenship.

Courtesy of Joshua Goldberg
Seeking Reconition: Joshua Goldberg, left, and Bayardo Alvarez were married in Canada. But Israel’s Interior Ministry has yet to respond to Alvarez’s request for citizenship.

By Nathan Jeffay

Published July 18, 2011, issue of July 29, 2011.


As New York prepares to inaugurate same-sex marriage on July 24, two men married to each other 5,500 miles away are fighting a battle for the rights of Jewish men and women in Israel who take advantage of the new law and others like it.

Just as every Jew has the right to immigrate to Israel and receive citizenship under the Law of Return, so does his or her “spouse,” even if that spouse is not Jewish. But whether Israel would honor this for same-sex as well as heterosexual couples has never been tested.

Now, an American Jewish man has given Israel’s Interior Ministry, which is controlled by the Haredi Shas party, a July 31 deadline to give his husband citizenship. The couple’s alternative is a high court petition for citizenship, which legal experts believe will likely succeed.

This has made Joshua Goldberg furious. His local Jewish Agency office told him that his husband, Bayardo Alvarez, could have citizenship, but when the couple’s visas came through in February, Goldberg received citizenship, yet Alvarez received only temporary residency. The two married four years ago in Canada and moved to Israel from Baltimore on June 10, but the Interior Ministry has yet to respond to Alvarez’s 4-month-old appeal to change his status to citizen. “The lack of decision making at the Interior Ministry has made our absorption here very difficult, and in some ways it feels very unwelcoming,” Goldberg told the Forward.

The Interior Ministry responded in a statement to questions from the Forward, saying that the matter is still “under examination” because this is the first request of its kind. The ministry added that it regrets the “mental anguish” that the uncertainty is causing the couple.

There is no same-sex marriage in Israel, but the state does recognize, for some administrative purposes, same-sex marriages performed overseas. In 2006, Israel’s high court issued a precedent-setting ruling that five gay couples already residing in Israel but wed overseas could be registered as married couples in Israel.

The attorney who petitioned for that ruling, Dan Yakir, told the Forward that granting citizenship to the immigrant spouse of a gay person is an extension of the earlier ruling’s logic and in the spirit of other legal advances for same-sex couples. “Based on jurisprudence over the last 15 years, this would be the proper interpretation of the law,” said Yakir, who is chief legal counsel for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

For Goldberg and Alvarez, their fight is a point of principle, but also a highly practical matter. When they arrived in June, Alvarez was ineligible for all but one of the state-funded absorption programs to which those immigrating under the Law of Return are entitled — a Jewish Agency course in Eilat that combines hotel work with Hebrew study. Goldberg and Alvarez — a 40-year-old marketing professional and a 33-year-old florist, respectively — enrolled but found that classes were currently on a break, so they left after three weeks.

If Alvarez were an immigrant coming in under the Law of Return, the couple could have benefited from subsidized housing and acculturation workshops at one of the state’s “absorption centers,” which are located across the country. Instead, since leaving Eilat, they are renting an apartment at their own expense in Tel Aviv. Alvarez is ineligible for state-funded Hebrew classes. And instead of receiving 33,110 shekels ($9,500) between them in state assistance for relocating, they receive 17,368 shekels ($5,000) as a payment to Goldberg alone.

The couple’s lawyer, Nicky Maor of the Israel Religious Action Center, the lobbying arm of the Reform movement, said that they are victims of “illegal discrimination.” She commented, “As the Law of Return uses the word ‘spouse’ as opposed to citizenship laws, which use the words ‘husband’ and ‘wife,’ here there’s not even any interpretation needed and there’s no basis for distinguishing between heterosexual and same-sex marriage.”

Legal experts believe that if the Interior Ministry does not meet the couple’s July 31 deadline and the two petition the high court, judges will be hard-pressed to reject them. Tel Aviv University law professor Aeyal Gross, an expert on constitutional law and gay and lesbian rights, said that the argument would be particularly difficult to undermine, as Israel has a history of recognizing marriages that it doesn’t allow to be performed in its jurisdiction.

There is no civil marriage in Israel. But since long before Yakir’s 2006 petition, Israelis who want a civil marriage or need one — usually immigrants from the former Soviet bloc who are not Jewish — have wed in Cyprus, had their unions registered by Israel and received the rights of any other married couple. In view of this and the 2006 ruling recognizing same-sex marriages between Israeli citizens registered outside Israel, “I don’t see any viable justification the state could come up with to discriminate here,” Gross said.

Contact Nathan Jeffay at

Rudd’s sister: I will not apologise | Sunshine Coast Daily

Rudd’s sister: I will not apologise

16th July 2011

KEVIN Rudd’s sister has refused to apologise for describing a movement promoting same-sex marriage as a “global gay Gestapo”.

Loree Rudd, a divorced 60-year-old nurse who lives at Nambour, said she expected people would be offended by her opposition to gay marriage.

Homosexual lobby groups and the Anti-Defamation Commission have called for the Foreign Minister’s sister to apologise for her “anti-gay remark”.

“Some of the vitriol that was aimed at my comments was exactly what I was talking about,” Ms Rudd said.

“A lot of people, in fact thousands of people, who live very quietly are probably happy to have a discussion about issues like this (gay marriage).

“But why would they, because they get shot down in flames and called all kinds of dreadful names because they gave their opinion.

“That has been the trend … people back down and say not only that they retract their words but that they actually endorse the movement.

“That was the force of the intimidation I saw.

“That’s why I use the word Gestapo … (to describe) a force that intimidates and that people are afraid to stand up against.”

Ms Rudd spoke publicly this week against gay marriage and said she would quit Labor if it backed reform to marriage laws at the party’s national conference later this year.

She said her views were “very much based on a biblical tradition and a respect for the values and the institution that has served us well for so many years”.

Ms Rudd said her opinions had not been endorsed or opposed by her brother.

Four state ALP conferences have endorsed changes to legalise same-sex marriage.

NSW Labor last week refused to back the proposal and referred the issue to the national conference.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Ms Rudd’s brother have both said they did not support plans to change the marriage act.

Loree Rudd urged to say sorry for gay slur | SMH

Loree Rudd urged to say sorry for gay slur

July 15, 2011 – 7:04PM


The Anti Defamation Commission has joined calls for former prime minister Kevin Rudd’s sister to apologise over an anti-gay marriage remark.

Loree Rudd is lobbying federal MPs and threatening to quit Labor if the party backs gay marriage at its national conference in December.

She accused some Labor members of being brainwashed by a “global gay Gestapo” this week.

The ADC, Australia’s peak Jewish human rights body, said she should apologise.

“It is completely unacceptable for anyone to co-opt and trivialise the name of one of the most active and feared arms of the Nazi machinery for their own political purposes,” ADC chairman Anton Block said in a statement on Friday.

“The Gestapo was directly responsible for the murders of Jewish, Romani, homosexual and disabled people.

“To use its name in this context shows a level of ignorance and insensitivity that has no place in contemporary political discourse.

“It is highly offensive, and we call upon Ms Rudd to apologise immediately and unreservedly.”

Four state ALP conferences have endorsed changes to legalise same-sex marriage under federal law. NSW Labor last week refused to back the proposal and referred the issue to the national conference.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she does not have any plans to change the marriage act.

The coalition also opposes legislating for same-sex marriage but the Greens support it.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to Loree Rudd’s “Gay Gestapo” comment

July 15, 2011

“NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Chief Executive Officer Vic Alhadeff has condemned the use of Nazi analogy to condemn the gay-marriage lobby by Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd’s sister, Loree Rudd, who has slammed them as the “global gay Gestapo”.

“Drawing a comparison between advocates of gay marriage and the Gestapo is insensitive and counterproductive,” Alhadeff said. “The thoughtless use of Nazi and Holocaust analogies in intelligent and informed discourse is completely inappropriate and unjustified.”

Vic Alhadeff
Chief Executive Officer

MEDIA RELEASE: Loree Rudd must apologise for ‘Gay Gestapo’ comment / Gay Holocaust victims outraged and horrified


Media Release
Thursday July 14th 2011
Australia’s marriage equality advocates have asked for an apology from Loree Rudd, sister for former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, following her statement that marriage equality is being pushed by “a global gay gestapo”.
Australian Marriage Equality National Convener, Alex Greenwich, said Ms Rudd’s statement has no place in mature public debate and will incite hatred against supporters of equality.
“We call on those who oppose equality to condemn Ms Rudd’s outburst, and for Ms Rudd herself to withdraw her comments and apologise for them”, Mr Greenwich said.
“Ms Rudd has set back her cause by comparing supporters of civil rights to an organisation that was responsible for mass murder, including the mass murder of homosexuals.” 
Loree Rudd’s comments were also criticised by gay Australians affected by the Holocaust.
Holocaust survivor, Mr Frederick Weisinger, who lives in Sydney and who wrote a moving submission supporting marriage equality to a 2009 Senate inquiry into the issue said:
“I spent three years in a concentration camp as a child, and I am horrified by this comparison between the Gestapo and ordinary citizens like me who just want to be treated equally.”
“Before she makes such offensive comments, Ms Rudd should read about the horrors perpetrated by the Gestapo, particularly how it hounded, persecuted and killed homosexuals in large numbers.”
Marriage equality advocate, Jackie Striker-Phelps, who is the wife of former AMA President, Kerryn Striker-Phelps, was also outraged.
“During the Second World War, members of my family had their human rights taken away and were murdered at the hands of the Gestapo”, she said 
“To compare the work of today’s human right’s advocates to the atrocities of those monsters is a shocking indictment on anyone making these claims.” 
“I call them (marriage equality advocates) the global gay Gestapo: it is the lobbying movement that is brainwashing people, particularly the young in the community that this (homosexuality) is an optional extra in life,” she said
Mr Greenwich added, “there is nothing ‘optional’ about being gay, it is who we are”.
For more information contact Alex Greenwich on 0421 316 335.
Frederick Weisinger or Jackie Stricker-Phelps can be contacted through Alex Greenwich.

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