Aleph Melbourne at In One Voice 2019

Photograph of the vibrant Aleph Melbourne and Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria stand at In One Voice 2019

Thanks to In One Voice for this excellent photo of the combined Aleph Melbourne and Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria stand at the In One Voice 2019 street fair on March 17 2019.  Original photo and full gallery here.


20190317 In One Voice Aleph + JLGV
L to R: JLGV: Stacey, Zena and Julie; Aleph Melbourne: Gregory Storer & Michael Barnett

Such a Queer In One Voice

Aleph Melbourne, together with the Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria, added a fantastic rainbow of diversity to the 2019 In One Voice carnival in Selwyn Street, Elsternwick.

View photos from the day on Facebook here.

Aleph Melbourne, together with the Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria, added a fantastic rainbow of diversity to the 2019 In One Voice carnival in Selwyn Street, Elsternwick.

Posted by Michael Barnett on Sunday, March 17, 2019


AJDS Motion to JCCV Plenum – March 2019

The following motion was put by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society to the Jewish Community Council of Victorian Plenum meeting on March 4 2019.  After significant debate at the meeting it was decided that the motion not be voted on, but rather, redrafted through a consultation between Aleph Melbourne, the AJDS and the JCCV.

Motion to JCCV Plenum – March 2019

To acknowledge the 20-year anniversary of Aleph Melbourne being denied membership of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria

Moved by AJDS:

1. On the occasion of 20 years since the failed attempt by Aleph Melbourne to join the JCCV, this Plenum places on record that:

  • Aleph Melbourne submitted an application for membership of the JCCV in January 1999 with the backing of the then President Phillip Bliss and the executive of the JCCV.
  • Aleph Melbourne met all requirements for membership of the JCCV.
  • Aleph Melbourne’s membership of JCCV would have given the Jewish LGBTIQ community visibility, within the Jewish community and provided them an important support base.
  • When the application was brought to the Plenum on 10 May 1999, much was said that was supportive and welcoming for Aleph Melbourne but much was remarkably hurtful, shameful and homophobic, including remarks from some leading Melbourne rabbis at that time.
  • When the Plenum voted on the application, the vote was 39 For and 49 Against, resulting in the application being denied.

2. Accordingly, this Plenum:

Apologises to Aleph Melbourne, its past committee and members, and to all LGBTIQ Jews for the denial of the safe space at the JCCV Plenum on the day of that vote as well as the subsequent distress, further marginalisation, and stigmatisation caused by the rejection of membership by the JCCV, and for the subsequent decade of inaction by the JCCV in terms of any outreach to LGBTIQ Jews.

Acknowledges Aleph Melbourne’s significant efforts to encourage us all to speak out against hate and intolerance of LGBTIQ people, and that as a direct result, and following the attack on the LGBT Youth Centre attack in Tel Aviv in 2009, the JCCV then undertook its first actions in support of LGBTIQ Jews.

Correction: the 1999 vote was actually 39 For and 46 Against


The Shtick: LGBTIQ inclusion + “Jews of Pride” @ Pride March

[The article Aleph Melbourne – Championing LGBTIQ inclusion and advocacy in the Jewish community provides critical background on the formation of the JCCV’s LGBTI Reference Group, further to the discussion in this video]

“Jews of Pride” at Midsumma Pride March 2019

The award-winning “Jews of Pride” contingent returned to dominate Pride March 2019 with an amazing sound system and a dynamic presence.

Midsumma Pride March was held on Sunday February 3 2019.  With a maximum forecast of 40 degrees expected to hit by 2pm, the temperature had reached the mid-30s at the start time of 11am.

2018 saw “Jews of Pride” awarded the “Most Fabulous” group and this year we were all that and more.  A record number of participants braved the heat to demonstrate support for same-sex attracted, trans and gender-diverse, and intersex people and families in the Jewish community.

There were around 100 participants from a diverse range of community organisations including an inaugural appearance from Jewish Care, along with Pride March stalwarts Hashomer Hatzair, Habonim Dror, Netzer, SKIF, Temple Beth Israel, Keshet, Aleph Melbourne and the Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria.

A sound truck supplied by Aleph Melbourne’s Colin Krycer announced the contingent to the cheering onlookers as it pumped out upbeat Jewish and Israeli favourites along the length of the parade route.

All Jewish organisations (and community members) are invited to join us in 2020.  Send a message via our contact page indicating your interest.

Watch and hear the “Jews of Pride” contingent power down Fitzroy Street:

Quick glimpse at 21 second mark:

Photos of the “Jews of Pride” contingent on Facebook:

The "Jews of Pride" contingent had around 100 members from a diverse range of community organisations including an…

Posted by Michael Barnett on Monday, February 4, 2019

Jewish community responses to religious discrimination in schools

Jewish Community responses to the removal of discrimination against staff and students at religious schools.

This table will be updated as further details come to hand.
Last update: 5:54pm 04-Dec-2018

Organisation (click for statement)StateRemove exemptions
Bialik CollegeVIC
The King David SchoolVIC
Mount Scopus Memorial CollegeVIC
Leibler Yavneh CollegeVIC
Mount Sinai CollegeNSW
Emanuel SchoolNSW
Institute for Judaism and CivilisationVIC
Aleph MelbourneVIC
Sholem Aleichem CollegeVIC
Moriah CollegeNSW
United Jewish Education BoardVIC
Yeshivah & Beth Rivkah CollegesVIC
NSW Board of Jewish EducationNSW
Board of Progressive Jewish EducationNSW
Carmel SchoolWA
Sinai CollegeQLD

Aleph Melbourne submission to inquiry into legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff

Aleph Melbourne opposes discrimination against students and staff of educational instutions on the grounds of LGBTIQ status. This is our submission to the senate inquiry.

Aleph Melbourne’s submission to the inquiry into legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff.

See our table of responses from Jewish schools across Australia.


AGMC Conference 2018: Melbourne’s Jewish Community: Going from “gays not welcome” to “we support marriage equality” in under 20 years

An exploration of the transformation of attitudes toward LGBTIQ people within Melbourne’s Jewish community from the 1990s to current day.

2018 AGMC Natioal Conference - Register Now.png(Click above or here to register)

Melbourne’s Jewish Community: Going from “gays not welcome” to “we support marriage equality” in under 20 years
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Sat Sep 22, 2018
Training Room
Community groups in action

An exploration of the transformation of attitudes toward LGBTIQ people within Melbourne’s Jewish community from the 1990s to current day. This session includes the screening of a 10 minute documentary “Aleph Melbourne – Celebrating 20 Years – 1995-2015”. It also includes an exploration of how the 2009 shooting at the Tel Aviv LGBT Youth Centre was the catalyst for a series of events that shattered the decade-long silence since the Victorian Jewish community leadership rejected the membership application of a gay men’s group to them endorsing marriage equality 8 years later.

Learning objectives/outcomes:A greater understanding and appreciation of the issues, sensitivities and nuances around LGBTIQ inclusion in Melbourne’s Jewish community.

30 minute Oral Presentation and Video

Michael Barnett
Convenor, Aleph Melbourne

20180922 AGMC - Michael Barnett - Aleph Melbourne session